By anonymous - 24/09/2011 15:22 - United States

Today, I was badly sunburnt even after making it a point to apply a lot of sunscreen. My coworkers thought it amusing to slap me every chance they get. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 393
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments


2tone2bone 3

Hmmmm how ironic. you put on sunscreen so that you wouldn't get burned but instead you DO get burned. are you sure you did not put on sun tan lotion or another product that speeds up the process of skin darkening? or maybe like perdix said "bacon grease"

ShroomsOnAcid 16

45, Ironically, every time I've used "tanning oil" before realizing what it's supposed to do, I didn't burn. I would have, otherwise. Does that happen to anyone else?

bubo_fml 10

How thoughtful! Your coworkers want you to be both sunny & rosy while your on the job!

princess151617 4

The something happened to me and my friends always decided it was nice to feel the love by hugging me. It hurt so bad. Me and my friend at least did it together we put aloe on instead of sun block on accident.

merryhappy1887 20

a) slap them back, twice as hard. b) report it to your superior.

txgirl09 5

Bummer. I'm very fair skinned, but at least sunscreen works on me. OP: I see you're in Texas...guess you won't be at the State Fair next week, huh? I know if I get a sunburn that's pretty much the end of my desire to be outside for awhile.

mohammadkm95 6

Man it hurts gettin hit while burnt