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By Username - 24/07/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, I went to an amusement park with my family. I was the only one who put on sunblock, and the only one who got a sunburn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The proper way to apply sunblock is to bathe in it for at least 176 hours. If you do that you'll not only be protected from the sun, but possibly a nuclear blast.

Murphy's Law. Didn't you learn to reapply every two hours?


thesunsetglow_fml 8

Maybe the OPs skin colour is the same as Voldemorts, that lovely pasty colour. You don't see Voldemort hanging out in the sun now, do you. Tsk.

That's because the sun is ******* scared of Voldemort. He's like the Chuck Norris of the wizarding world. And Harry is Bruce Lee from Return of the Dragon. It's a stretch. Deal with it.

I guess your skin is an over-achiever

thesunsetglow_fml 8

In that case, 11, the OP must not be as terrifying as Voldemort/Chuck Norris and therefore should NOT have been in the sun because they're just the pasty disgusting baby thing Voldemort was before he became human. OP you deserve it for being a nasty Voldemort baby.

UN1T3D 6

sounds like you got... BURNED!

18. last time i checked voldemort was always a human, it's his death spell that reflected off Harry and hit him that made him like that.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

42- Because he split his soul into seven pieces he is no longer considered entirely human. :)

51. so if he has no soul I guess he's a ginger.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

53; he must have been! If you've ever looked up "coppercab" on YouTube you'll see how the ginger kids feel about their "soulless" reputation ;) quite hilarious :)

juicedboi 7

Get some ice for that "burnnnn".

juicedboi 7

Get some ice for that "burnnnn".

just cuz u put on spf 2 sunblock doesnt mean u wont get sunburnt

thesunsetglow_fml 8
Madiluvsyuh98 2
sxe_beast 11

...but gingers don't have souls?!

Madiluvsyuh98 2

why don't you get off your butt and stop watching south park!!!!

UN1T3D 6

36- lol. you mad? it's a joke get over it.

someones obsessed with harry potter, *cough* 24 *cough*

Madiluvsyuh98 2
thesunsetglow_fml 8

43- Only because it's over. :'( And because I wish to continue my refrence from the previous comment. :)

UN1T3D 6

44- Because I'm mad about people poking fun at gingers, right?

Madiluvsyuh98 2
sxe_beast 11

I've actually never seen that Southpark episode. Its hilarious though because its true.

authorkid 2

26 I am a Ginger and I dont get sunburn a lot, and when I do it doesn't hurt

59 if your profile pic was 78's your comment would have been a lot better

mcgugs 0

Well, clearly not SPF >9000..

denisa_fml 5

121, I was going to say that and I was just looking for the bottom of the comments. ******. >:(

chickunkey 0

^Comment 108 was actually the first to say over 9000. Just thought I would let cha know.

Murphy's Law. Didn't you learn to reapply every two hours?

NastyNinja31 0

random thought: I have never seen somebody with a confirmed FML

probably was suntanning lotion instead of sunblock that he was using

About that tan you were working on...

That dungeon tan... OP must be pale as ****

8 your picture made me laugh uncontrollably.

Some people burn more easily then others, my mom gets burn even when she puts on high SPF. Re-apply?

The proper way to apply sunblock is to bathe in it for at least 176 hours. If you do that you'll not only be protected from the sun, but possibly a nuclear blast.

This is where I wish we could favourite comments.

That would even protect your bone marrow from burning.