By IcyDarcy - 07/04/2017 16:41 - Finland
IcyDarcy tells us more.
OP here. So happy this got published, I need to frame it and gift it to my husband so he'll never forget this glorious moment :D Here's the full story: We were visiting some of my relatives for the holidays, and they live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. My husband didn't know the place, it was the night (rather dark because there are very few streetlights), and he was a bit tipsy because it was Christmas. Anyway, on his way home from a walk, he got a bit lost and mistook another house for my relatives's house. (As I had told him I would lock the door but leave a door-window unlocked, it didn't surprise him that the door was locked.) But, the real house owner happened to come home right at that moment, and you can imagine his reaction when he saw a stranger trying to open one of his windows. Apparently, he tried to ask my husband what he was doing, and I don't know what my husband replied, but anyway, my husband didn't speak the language and the house owner didn't speak English. So I can't blame him for calling the cops because I would've probably done the same. Still, I was VERY mad when the cops brought my husband home, to the point that upon leaving, they actually told me, “Don't be too harsh on him, it was a honest mistake and he was very nice to us. We explained the situation, you can tell him it's all fine.” But I was so mad that I let my husband believe he would really get in trouble for a short while, haha :D
Top comments
We need waaaay more detail.
This FML needs a followup!
OP here. So happy this got published, I need to frame it and gift it to my husband so he'll never forget this glorious moment :D Here's the full story: We were visiting some of my relatives for the holidays, and they live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. My husband didn't know the place, it was the night (rather dark because there are very few streetlights), and he was a bit tipsy because it was Christmas. Anyway, on his way home from a walk, he got a bit lost and mistook another house for my relatives's house. (As I had told him I would lock the door but leave a door-window unlocked, it didn't surprise him that the door was locked.) But, the real house owner happened to come home right at that moment, and you can imagine his reaction when he saw a stranger trying to open one of his windows. Apparently, he tried to ask my husband what he was doing, and I don't know what my husband replied, but anyway, my husband didn't speak the language and the house owner didn't speak English. So I can't blame him for calling the cops because I would've probably done the same. Still, I was VERY mad when the cops brought my husband home, to the point that upon leaving, they actually told me, “Don't be too harsh on him, it was a honest mistake and he was very nice to us. We explained the situation, you can tell him it's all fine.” But I was so mad that I let my husband believe he would really get in trouble for a short while, haha :D
You understand the situation. Agreed with how it went down. Are fine with it. But, find it funny to let your husband think he's in trouble? That's the definition of an abusive relationship.
Well now you have something over your husband now lol.
@Colon_man: I agree with you, getting angry because of a mistake and making him feel bad is abusive and shows a bad attitude.
Wow, you guys need to chill a bit! :/ When I said “a short while”, it meant a couple of minutes. Also, he knew that I wasn't talking about him getting in trouble with the law but getting in trouble with my relatives (or rather causing them trouble). As I mentioned, they live in a tiny village, neighbors are nosy and they love to spread crazy rumors. We were alone in the house that night, but I was worried about the nosy neighbors seeing the police car and then spreading rumors about my relatives housing a runaway criminal or whatever. My elderly grandma really didn't need to face that (She was actually at the hospital that night) So yeah, I let my husband believe he would get in trouble for a few minutes because I had no idea what the outcome would be. After I calmed down, we agreed on a story in which I would take the blame in case my relatives heard about what happened. Luckily, nosy neighbors were apparently too drunk to spy on us (again, it was Christmas!), my relatives didn't hear about it, and my husband and I are laughing about this story now :)
It's ridiculous that you were mad at him at all, even if it was just "a few minutes." No charges were pressed, everyone knew it was a misunderstanding so it's not really something for you to get mad at him over. Even with your BS nosy neighbors excuse, it's still not okay. Also, maybe you should tell them to mind their own business and not assume things that they clearly know nothing about, instead of letting them be nosy. You constantly calling them nosy neighbors makes it seem like everyone just lets them do it and get away with it so they could really do with a talking to about it.
thanks for the details. But why were you mad at him? it was a mistake. he did nothing wrong. leaving a window open seems a bit counterproductive as if he was seen trying to crawl through your window, a passerby would have called the police anyway.
Oh ffs. OP obviously reacted strongly to the situation, like any rational human being would, and it took her a few minutes for the logic to settle in. It's not like she was holding it over his head for hours.
Yes. make sure to punish your husband further. I can feel the marital tension already
You Finns are so modest! Here in the US, it wouldn't be an FML unless you answered the door naked.
Well, all's well that ends well.
Hold up, freeze, would that be considered an invitation to a gang-bang, or would that look bad on the policemen's part?

We need waaaay more detail.
And the answer was?