By Anonymous - 12/04/2015 15:18 - United States - Muncie

Today, I was called a fascist and accused of being "racist" against poor people, all because some crazy meth-mouthed bitch couldn't afford some booze and expected me to cut the price by almost 40% so she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 768
You deserved it 2 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dont you just wish it was legal to punch some people?


I would have told her I'd give her the discount if she could give the definition of fascist. even if she got it right, you could be a fascist about your deal.

Just because someone is poor doesn't meant they're homeless...

If she didn't spend her money on meth, she would afford booze. Haha.

As obnoxious as she was, her life is her punishment.

where is Dave Chappelle when you need him

Whoever said "the customers always right" obviously never met the customer

It was the motto of a long ago closed department store. Funny, now it's the battle cry of every jerk trying to get something for nothing.

Hopefully that was all cought on the store security camera. It's a hard subject to talk about these days. When you try, your called a racist. When you don't, your a racist. This country is in a real mess. You did the right thing by letting her make a ass of herself. Next time call the cops or have the store security excort her to the door. Hard enough being a hard working tax payer. Nobody should have to put up with that shit.

Know your pain. I deal with the damn tweakers every day.

magickiss87 22

Gotta love those ppl. They think that as a cashier, we have the authority to set and negotiate prices and when we don't, we're "racist" or whatever bullshit they can think of calling us. "Meth-mouthed bitch!" Haha. Ppl are ridiculous. I just think to myself "slap slap" and imagine slapping them across the face when they act like idiots. They should make it legal to slap someone for acting a fool (and exemption cards for those whom cannot help it due to mental deficiencies)!

Aww the joys of working in customer service!