By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20

Today, I was called by my son's school to pick him up. Apparently, he snorted baking soda, crushed aspirin, and flour because he thought it was coke. Where did I go wrong raising this twerp? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 327
You deserved it 15 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

He thought he was Charlie Sheen. Don't blame him.

Igor_g5 0

You didn't teach him how to tell real coke from BS. That's where you went wrong.


Questions is, where did you not go wrong?

you went wrong by not closing the door when you did actual coke ;)

First off... By calling him a twerp... I'm not sure that'll make it any better =/

hahahahahahqhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!

rainport 0

at least he dint look to stupid like at least he dint do it wen hes older so good thing you can steal teach him how to tell real coke from bull shit coke and sell it to the teacher to shut her fuking ass up and hes just trying to be the best he can be

s_bloodnozzle_iz 0

Hey, it's a common mistake!

i dont know whether YDI or FYL seems 50 50 to me

15NorthFace 0

did u seriously just call your son a twerp? well there's another area u went wrong in

15NorthFace 0

did u seriously just call your son a twerp? well there's another area u went wrong in

Maybe you went wrong when you started calling him a twerp? It's infuriating to see how many parents wonder why their kids are so messed up when they're the ones who caused the problems. Stop blaming them for your bad parenting! And yes, calling your son names is bad parenting... ever heard of verbal or emotional abuse? YDI

itswhateveridk 0

agreed. my parents do that... only worse names than twerp haha

kc1997kc 9

there's a difference between verbal abuse and calling your son a twerp. verbal abuse is constantly calling your kid names and not just when your mad. it's all the time and it is a lot worse than twerp. I know someone who was verbally abused. her mom would call he stupid fat ugly a bitch a **** an accident or worse. have we gotten so politically correct that calling your kid a twerp means you are verbally abusing them?