By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20

Today, I was called by my son's school to pick him up. Apparently, he snorted baking soda, crushed aspirin, and flour because he thought it was coke. Where did I go wrong raising this twerp? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 327
You deserved it 15 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

He thought he was Charlie Sheen. Don't blame him.

Igor_g5 0

You didn't teach him how to tell real coke from BS. That's where you went wrong.


why is it that parents can't diseplen there kids and teachers can't teach

I agree with Jumber10. No one should call their child a Twerp.

itswhateveridk 0

it's your fault moron. he didn't raise himself.

hateevryone 14

you should have a serious talk with this clown

katierose112996 0

this has to be fake. who calls their kid a twerp??

ronbog 0

Charlie Sheen: the early years.

i actually didnt write anything about him being a twerp when i sent in the story...the moderation must have changed it before it was published. and yes im dutch. and yes he was 14.