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By Anonymous - 31/07/2015 18:55 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was changing my clothes with my dog in the room. As I took off my shirt, he looked at me, ran into the corner, and threw up. Well that's a confidence booster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 689
You deserved it 2 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My cat never judges me by my appearance! He ignores me no matter what I look like.

I doubt that was he reason the dog threw up, and I'm sure you're not gross enough to be able to bring that kind of reaction, but if you don't like how you look better yourself for you.... Not for your dog ;)


qdawg06 23

Maybe that's your dogs way of hinting at you to start working out?

Didn't you mean "#savage", #11? I'm not saying using trendy hashtags on FML is a good idea, but it's definitely a bad idea to misspell them.

Maybe he was just trying to salvage this thread?

Eliseopwns 22

Do you wash under your fat folds? If not, the smell probably hit him when you let loose all the stank trapped under your shirt.

Maybe the dog threw up to try and look as good as you do. Stay confident OP!

I doubt that was he reason the dog threw up, and I'm sure you're not gross enough to be able to bring that kind of reaction, but if you don't like how you look better yourself for you.... Not for your dog ;)

DGL1138 13

#5 **** yeah dude, seriously wise words.

My theory is that the dog had never seen the owner strip before, and from the dog's perspective it looked like op ripped off all her fur. That'd gross me out if I were a dog.

MisterKnowItAll 15

its a dog. they don't understand human attractiveness.

My cat never judges me by my appearance! He ignores me no matter what I look like.

Well if u let me see i might make u feel better ;) .......... assuming ur a girl

Because flirting with an anonymous person on the Internet with little more basis than a FML for a reason is totally not creepy.

My dog throws up from time to time. Maybe your dog was feeling sick and it just happened at the time you took your shirt off. Pretty sure is the time that it has happened. You'll be fine :)