By FedExMan - 11/08/2009 23:15 - United States
Same thing different taste
Grossed out
By Anonymous - 10/11/2018 14:00
Pleased to meet you
By Eww - 05/10/2014 17:48 - United States - Salem
By h0308 - 08/09/2009 09:07 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 16/08/2010 20:20 - United States
Office Space 2: Electric Boogaloo
By Jesstanothergurl - 18/07/2016 19:35 - Canada - Toronto
Job satisfaction
By Mark - 06/01/2010 02:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/05/2019 16:00
By alf - 27/10/2008 02:34 - France
By Andy - 16/12/2009 20:43 - United States
Get me out of here
By fraz206 - 18/03/2019 16:00
Top comments
Eww, definitely FYL.
if you were delivering .. why didnt you just go home n chance?
then do you puke more because you see your own puke and then again and again in an endless cycle.
Um yeah...i'd go in a store and buy a shirt that was similar color to my uniform. Then when I got back to work i'd put the shirt on to make my boss happy. No way i'd walk around all day covered in that. Hell i'd even go wash the shirt out in a sink and wear it wet all day. I'd rather show my id badge to each person to prove my employment than to be covered in vomit. that sucks dude!
Unfortunately, FedEx and UPS drivers have some of the most stressful jobs. They have super tight schedules. Hence why they're usually terrible drivers.
yeah if she wasn't a bitch shedve washd urshirt
My money is on "stand back"
You sure have a way with the ladies!
"I was dropping of (sic) a large letter to a hot girl" Why does it matter that the girl was hot? Would it have been better or worse if an ugly girl vomited on you? Also does the size of the letter really matter? This would have been better phrased as "I dropped off a letter to a girl".
@#12 It would definitely be worse to be puked on by an ugly girl.
To # 12 I assumed he said "hot girl" because maybe he thought she was going to ask him out or something when she instead puked on him. And like #13 said a small letter would most likely fit in the mail box. Why does it bother you so much as to how the OP wrote the fml? Read it and move on!!!
@ #13 & 18 In most workplaces all letters are delivered in person or left on the recipient's desk regardless of size. @ # 18 The reason the way the FML was worded bugs me is because so many details had to be left out because the OP ran out of characters. If the OP had phrased the anecdote more succinctly they might have been able to explain better why they couldn't have just changed uniforms instead of walking around covered in vomit.

You sure have a way with the ladies!
Eww, definitely FYL.