By FedExMan - 11/08/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, I was delivering packages as usual for work. I was dropping off a large letter to a hot girl. Before I turned to leave the girl opened her mouth to say something. Instead, she just vomited all over me. Her letter was my first delivery of the day. I had to finish my job covered in puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 713
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste


She probably puked at the sight of your spindly, pale legs sticking out of your delivery boy shorts. Stick with the long pants.

alwaysalady 0

I;m pretty sure that vomit is a biohazard. You should have burned that shirt.

I don't see why you couldn't swing by your work or home to pick up a pair of clothes. I'm sure your bosses would prefer you be just a little late dropping off your packages than stinking of vomit

I'm creeping your way And these sheets aren't stopping me Because I'm gonna meet you face to face And I'm gonna start from your waist Up through your navel And we're approaching such a place This is where we both get scared This is where emotion flares This is where we both prepare Navigate me through your body, naviagte me Navigate me through your body, navigate I love the way you tug on top of me So navigate me through your body

Why wouldn't you just go back and change? That's disgusting.

DieterDerBlau 0

**** you FedEx dicks... you ***** park your vans wherever, in a lane on a busy road around ablind corner, etc., YDI and then some. Karma ************!!!!

i bet you got a boner when she puked on you ; )

Wow, that sucks. At least it was hot gurl puke.

lovebearrr 0

I was half expecting it to end with some awkward comment about his large package.