By Anonymous - 26/01/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I was denied food stamp assistance. Apparently, you need to work 20 hours a week while being a full time student to qualify or have a work study. I was recently suspended from my work study for calling off because my aunt died, and if I worked 20 hours a week, why would I need food stamps? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 145
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ejejeje 0

seriously. our economy is backwards. why the **** would you apply for assistance when you don't ******* need it.

SirRager 9

Hooray for health care! This is why I'm moving to Canada.


I has the same problem it was either go to school and get an education so I don't have to have food stamps and starve or get food stamps and stay stuck

magnetic_aura 26

The same thing happened to me! I'm too poor to afford food, too busy with school to work enough to qualify for the food stamps that I wouldn't need. Sigh. I don't know what to do.

The whole point of food stamps is that there are some jobs where, even working 20 hours a week, people have trouble getting by because of horrific wages

Limizuki 8

aaahhhh America. They told me the same thing, except they told me to either get a job while in school, drop out of school, or get pregnant.

well most people couldn't live working just 20 hours a week.