By Anonymous - 26/04/2013 18:01 - Mexico - Ensenada

Today, I was denounced for being a terrible person, because my family raises chickens, some of which we eat. I was then told how cruel I am for "killing innocent birds" and that "good" people buy their meat from the supermarket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 989
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, god-fearing people buy their meat from the big companies who keep their chickens stacked in a square foot box, stacked 10 high in rows of 100, where mans dominion is unquestioned, how dare you blaspheme and raise chickens in a sustainable manner.


Tell him that the superkarkets' chickens were kept in smaller, densely populated cages before they were slaughtered in the most inhumane way legal.

Lol wtf? People are crazy and no matter where you get your meat from the animal is still killed

perdix 29

People who buy their meat at a supermarket aren't "good," we are merely in denial over how it got there. And, I'm OK with that.

diablodeldragoon 6

actually those words come from different languages. cow, deer, pig is English. beef, venison, pork is French.

I recently met a woman who had no idea that fish actually had heads and didn't just come from the supermarket already as a filet. We live a life of convenience and it's more convenient to NOT know where our food comes from or how it's processed. I like to know where my food comes from so supermarket meat is not my thing.

You people can't fool me, try as you might. Those magical shelves stock themselves. You know, with magic n stuff.

Difference is I put my thought out :)

Your thought was about my thought..... And I'm bored ._. Was gonna continue but I decided to do this instead. ~(•.•)~

Sometimes wow is the only thing that can describe it :)

Megan639 16

Sorry, but I agree. If I had to choose between killing my own chickens and being a vegetarian, I'd be a vegetarian.

LeCielNousAide 7

Then you don't deserve to eat animals at all if you couldn't kill one to eat it. Practice what you preach -- wannabe animal rights people like you make no sense.


I though about what you said and I began to think maybe I should become a vegetarian it would be better for me and the animals! So I decided am going to kill my self for having such terrible thoughts poison my head.

You do realize that people killed their own food for thousands of years. They didn't raise things like chickens as PETS. Everything had its value towards survival.

But this FML is not really about being a vegetarian in the first place. They are saying that the OP should eat meat from a supermarket instead of their own home raised meat. Because supermarkets obviously do not kill any animals to get that meat. But they are not saying that OP should not eat meat at all.

I think what she means is she doesn't like all the blood. Personally, I love any sort of edible meat. My issue is seeing it killed. My dad brought home a deer he shot one year and hung it in the backyard to skin and gut it. I couldn't stand to go out there 'til the rain washed the blood away. My little dachshund was afraid of it too and ended up having accidents in the house because she refused to go out the door. This is a dog that has killed moles and squirrels and left them on the kitchen floor.

But when you have a choice between eating chickens that are factory farmed, grow so fast that their legs can't hold their body weight so they end up with horrible sores from dragging their bodies around, then get stuffed in a crate, stacked in a truck, driven to a factory where they're hung up by their legs and electrocuted then have their throats slit, and being a vegetarian, you'd rather eat the chicken?

30 - Ugghhh, this makes zero sense. I AM a vegetarian but if I had to eat meat I'd rather have to kill it myself than buy it from a supermarket because it proves that I can deal with the knowledge and responsibility that eating meat actually requires. Actually, I'd even respect an omnivore that would be prepared to raise and kill their own meat sustainably more than one of those vegetarians/vegans that go on and on about it and ruin it for the normal ones. People that eat meat but can't deal with how it gets to their plate and can't deal with eating cute, fluffy animals just get no respect at all.

I learned the facts of life early, it's important to know where food comes from, I saw a deer butchered when I was 3 and it didn't traumatize me, I understood that it was going to feed us.

NagainaFier 16

Then don't? I've never had to behead a chicken, but I shoot and clean my own deer every year. And then my dad makes jerkey :3: tastey, tastey jerkey...

3rdbass 9

Sounds they're a few birds short in the coop.

That person was and idiot! I'm sure your family is far less cruel than the conditions the chicken processing plants put those chickens u get at the supermarket

whoever denounced you is obviously dumb as hell

were do you think the grocery stores get there poultry lol

They get theirs from the chicken fairies that just pop them out of thin air.

NagainaFier 16

Ok that's just crazy... I mean my mom had chickens as pets which we didn't eat because that would be gross but ones raised for food are a different matter entirely