By leadwriteafw - 03/11/2016 18:35 - United States - Mansfield
leadwriteafw tells us more.
Hey y'all OP here- I wasn't really expecting for this to get published! Just here to answer a few questions. First off, this obviously didn't just start happening today, it been an ongoing issue since February-- that's just how FML works. Secondly, I'm 17 years old which means I've been experiencing this all while in high school, which has been SUPER fun. But yes, I've had an MRI, several sonograms, lots of blood work taken and tested, and I took a very intense allergy test. The only thing all of that revealed was that I had a minor milk allergy. So I've completely cut out all milk (which FYI, you'd be surprised at how many things have milk in them), with still no change. I've tried several medications, some of which have provided their own not-so-fun side effects. But at this point I'm just trying to treat it with vitamins and by lowering my stress levels. All my friends and family know about, so I always carry a barf bag and tooth brush with me. Hopefully it will go away on its own, because it's really not as fun as it sounds. Thanks for your kind comments and helpful suggestions though!!
Top comments
Hi! I was kind of excited when I read this cause I have the same problem but a different diagnosis. I threw up 6-8 times a day for about a year and a half. I have something called gastroparesis (I have a lot of other health problems too but this is part of it). I tried every nausea medicine they make with no luck; special diets all that. Finally I ended up with a GJ feeding tube and I eat through that most of the time and haven't been throwing up like I used to (down to one or two days a week and it's not awful). I know it's not the most appealing option but it works, it might be worth looking into with a GI specialist. Also have your dentist check your teeth, mine gave me special prescription toothpaste (yes, that's a thing) to help protect the enamel on my teeth from getting damaged.
OP, make coconut water a daily drink for you. And take a multivitamin! Because over time, the risk of heart attack really goes up if you are regularly depleting yourself of your potassium and other important electrolytes. A final suggestion would be to look into liquid nutrition, like Soylent. Fluids are absorbed much faster than solid foods, so you'll likely become less malnourished if you regularly drink your meals. Best of luck, I hope you get well soon.
Look up hiatal hernia. My mom has the same thing
A relative of mine went through many years of this before being diagnosed with gastroparesis. I don't know if it's the same for you but maybe worth looking into.
It's like that vomiting monster Bart creates in his spells class on the Simpsons. Sorry, OP. I really hope you can find answers. It must be hard to maintain nutrition and fluid. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that would be.
Let me know what happens please if you find any information. My boyfriend is the same, I would also like answers because he's too scared to try medicine or get much help. I convinced him to try 1 predication and it had a bad reaction for him and he hasn't tried since. Good luck ❤️
sounds like Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.
I had this as a child and it literally never gets diagnosed as it's hard to find a cause
Two words: gastroenterologist and ginger. Eat the second while you search for the best specimen of the first. Good luck.
Oh sweet Orion. I hope you find answers and a treatment, because that sounds like literal hell to me.
Look on the bright side: you'll end up with some great abs and core!
This can really damage your esophagus and teeth over time. The same as bulimia. Keep trying to find answers.
You might have to be traded in for the new model.