By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 13:29 - United Kingdom

Today, I was diagnosed with depression. My girlfriend's idea of consoling me was to break up with me because she can't date a "psycho". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 787
You deserved it 2 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

You don't need her. You need someone who is a lot more compassionate.

Thats crazy. Im so sorry, not much of a loss if that was her reason for breaking up with you.


You should have someone that takes you through it all...for better and for worse...

Severefear 7

Congratulations, you're better off now that a shitty person has left your life.

you're better off without her, with her being that stupid. you're depress not crazy

Psycho is actually short for psychotic, which just means someone who experiences hallucinations, delusions, and disordered speech. Definitely not remotely the same thing as depression. In addition, psychotic people are way more likely to be harmed by people than they are to harm others. So not only is your ex a piece of shit, she knows nothing about mental illness whatsoever. I know it really hurts now, but honestly, if she had that reaction to you being honest about the state of your mental health, she wasn't ever worth your time.

god damn its cool op you dont need those negative vibes.

It's sad there's so many stigmas about all mental illnesses, regardless of severity (at ALL, really). The lack of understanding by people who don't have to deal with it on a daily basis and societies need to "label" such things makes it even worse for those trying to work through the issues. If people quit taking all their time to label things and stopped shoving meds down people's throats to make them "normal" we could all work through the issues in a much healthier way. I'm really sorry your girlfriend was a complete and total bitch about it. She obviously doesn't understand or care to take a moment to learn about what it is that you're going through. You can work through this, trust me, many people have including myself. It's all about coping skills. Do what you need to do to feel better even if that includes cutting off people from your life who are poisons to your happiness. Well... Anything so long as it's not hazardous to your health...

Good riddance, I would say. I'm sure there are people who truly care about you and now you won't have to waste your time and heart for those who don't. Best of luck to you.

Paperclypse13 7

I struggle with depression also. You really are better off now because she will be replaced by someone who will be supportive when you are going through your lows.

Guess it's good she broke up with you then because you don't need that kind of mojo in your life right now anyways. Hope it all turns around :)

Hey, I'm sorry. I've been there, and it's tough. Ultimately it'll probably be for the better because, for one she doesn't seem like the nicest person, and more importantly, when dealing with and recovering from depression people who are dating tend to rebuild their life around their partner(s), so this will give you time to sort yourself out.