By daninalani - 11/03/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was discussing the possibility of other life in the universe with my friend. She said the universe isn't big enough for it to be possible, and that we would know about it already, because "there are only 8 planets in the universe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 356
You deserved it 3 275

daninalani tells us more.

FML bc i spent all morning trying to tell her about how big the universe was. she just got angry.

Top comments

miz_kamakazi 11

F HER Life if she thinks that! Let me guess, she's a 4 year freshman at UCLA, her favorite color is clear, and she wants to become a veterinarian because she loves children. SMH


More like FHL if she's that dumb... /: Oh well, at least she recognised 8 instead of 9 since some people are still convinced that Pluto is a planet.

FarscapeSDC 9

I read an FML earlier about a girl who I was convinced was the stupidest person on the planet, but this girl tops that. This girl hasn't just cleared the bar, she's strapped a rocket to her back and set the new bar for "Most idiotic person ever" about 5 miles higher.

1. There ar emillions of planets in the universe. 2. Is she a blonde? 3.How is this an FML momemt?

Your friend is dumb. She's really dumb.

All you guys are dumb. There ARE only eight planets. Pluto is not a planet anymore. Look it up :-)

You know what the solar system is? And that it's part of this thing called a galaxy, which is made up of many solar systems. And you should know that there are many, many galaxies in the universe. Basically what you said is incorrect.

It could have been worse. She could have said "there's only 9 planets in the universe"