By golfstar11 - 11/12/2012 02:05 - United States - Savannah

Today, I was doing a presentation in front of my boss. On the last slide, someone had put a picture of a man's cock. I later found out it was my boss who did it. It was his "good reason" to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 069
You deserved it 2 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a dick. Hopefully you got a decent-sized severance package out of it.

I think you have a good reason to call Human Resources. I would've just quit. You wouldn't want to work for someone who clearly wants you fired.


Here come all the "your boss is a douchebag/dick" and "you're better off not working there anymore" comments!

Well you have a point, expect you missed the several that proceeded you :) Besides, isn't he a douche bag? If not I'm not really sure who is anymore

Haha I know. It's just that once people start saying those things, then chances are that more commenters after that are going to be saying the same things.

Geez, I hope you later reported him. Maybe its all for the better and you'll be offered a better job? Try to stay positive! Sorry dude, FYL.

Call human resources to report that incident for your boss has that on his record. That way he thinks twice before doing something so pathetic to someone else. I had to report my boss the other day for her unfairness. Even if I'm terminated, I'm a seasonal worker anyway, it won't look bad if seasonals are always let go after holidays. I'm only reporting it for she can be put in check. Bosses need to be put in check by someone above them sometimes. So report him.

Banavadorable 2

I really dislike these types of bosses out there. They still have not learned how to grow up and be mature for once. OP's boss should be fired.

Dude, if your boss was such a dick he'd found another way of firing you if he hadn't done this. With some hope you'll find a new job with a decent boss.

nnnope 26

If you FOUND OUT your boss did it just to fire you, that is more than a good enough reason to call an attorney. I think the large amount of money you're pretty much guaranteed to receive will make you feel better. (:

Wrongful terminaion.. Sexual harrassment (dick pic).. Plain harrassment.. and a few more I'm sure..

sweetmama88 6

People like that deserve coal in there stocking from Santa clause this Christmas . So I just wanted to say is HAVE a beautiful Christmas and a happy NewYork.

Wow that's ****** up. I'm so sorry OP. Hope you find a better job