By trafficfail - 01/06/2011 16:43
Same thing different taste
By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada
By Anonymous - 01/09/2016 03:40 - United States - San Jose
By dumbluck - 16/03/2011 06:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/01/2019 11:00 - United States - Spokane
By WTF - 27/09/2015 07:57 - Poland - Wroclaw
By scarlet5000 - 26/09/2009 06:32 - United States
By calling_while_driving - 28/03/2011 07:37 - United States
Coming through!
By Fender bender - 10/09/2022 05:30 - United States - Staten Island
By Anonymous - 02/10/2018 17:30
By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 03:05 - United States
Top comments
Old people shouldn't drive
Some* old people shouldn't drive. Don't tar everyone with the same brush please. Not nice. ;)
Tar everyone with the same brush? Never heard that one before. The OP shoulda pulled out her telescope and started whacking him with it.
age takes away from everyones vision, other senses, and general health. almost all people over 60 probably would not be able to pass the vision test required to drive. not to mention they have slower reflexes and can't react in time
thats not what your mom said last nite
what that your age inabiled you to react fast enough to pull out in time.
My grandma, who is 75, has won the state senior olympics in ping-pong for the past three years and has 20/20 vision...
Your grandma has been lieing to everyone
I haven't met 'some' of those good drivers yet :( most elderly drivers where I am are, well... terrible drivers D:
My dad, mum and I all got into accidemts two weeks ago involving old people hitting us. One of our cars are totaled and my mum was hospitalized becuase of it.
Did he rear end you in bed after that?
I think you should get tested every five years because some old people can drive
TBH, I think most old drivers are better than the young ones. They've been at it for a whole lot longer. And in regards to their senses going, then, and only then should someone question their ability to drive.
There is no proof for perversion. Mainly because they are the ones holding the camera.
what's this FML mean? FML
says quagmire
they kill people
Maybe his glasses wasn't working properly. Time to haul out the old trusty binoculars. Can you locate him?
Could have been way worse. Plus, he'll end up having to pay for it, so other than the inconvenience you'll be fine.
...except for the loss in resale of his car.
No write him an angry letter.
with the colorful vocabulary you learned from your grandparents:)
thats what i was thinking 59
what was he looking for...??
how much of a person can you see from behind when they're in a car?
maybe he was asian

Old people shouldn't drive
they kill people