By anonymous - 27/12/2011 22:32 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I saw the woman in the car in front of me throw something out the window. Only when it landed on my windshield did I realize what it was. A bloody tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 479
You deserved it 2 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You could use that as an excuse, say it covered your vision and you "accidentally" ran her car off the road and made her a paraplegic.


Time to make vampire tea!! Hahaha. Gross.

Petunia888 13

How does anyone deserve this???

Wy did she change it in the car? WHAT THE HELL is wrong with people these days.

That's disgusting. She fail as a woman... Fyl

lstrawberrycake 12

How the **** are you able to take out a tampon and throw it at someone while driving....that's one strange bitch

Who needs bathrooms ?! Just pull the damn thing out in the car and whip it out the window! FIRE IN THE HOLE! someone's gonna get a nasty surprise , unfortunately, that was YOU. (I'm kidding , obviously, that's disgusting)