By wtfson - 13/12/2010 07:35

Today, I was driving my family home, when my 7 year old son had to pee. Having long since passed any rest stops, I made him use a bottle. Once he was done, he grenaded the bottle out the window, hitting someone's windshield dead on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 339
You deserved it 34 846

wtfson tells us more.

To everyone asking, how could I have possibly prepared for this? I can't just teach my son not to through pee bottles and other things out the window. That will give him ideas... But rest assured, no more "grenades" will be tossed :)

Top comments

perdix 29

I'll bet the other driver was pissed!


Watch, there's gonna be an FML here any second about a piss bottle hitting their windshield.

That's not an fml moment that's an lol moment XD

Today, I was driving down the street and my windshield got hit by a bottle full of piss. FML This would be a FML not what you have YDI

This is so funny, I might wet myself.