By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 06:18 - United States

Today, I was driving out to a concert I've been excited about for months. I was using my GPS to guide me to the venue. It decided to guide me to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 530
You deserved it 3 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the beginning of one of those horror movies...

It's 9pm and OP is happily following his sat nav, excited about the concert tonight. The sat nav flashes-"You have reached your destination." OP pulls in, but all he sees is an abandoned warehouse. "That's funny...." OP decides to get out of the car anyway, to see if he can get an idea of where he is. The full moon is in the sky, and the night is eerily silent. He walks over to the warehouse to see if anyone is nearby. "Hello?" he calls out. The echo bounces off the old brick structure. Suddenly he hears breathing over his shoulder. OP whirls around but there is nobody there. OP walks back to his car hurriedly, convincing himself that it's just his mind playing tricks. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder and a menacing whisper. "You're not going anywhere..."


hateevryone 14

Maybe you told it the wrong address.

That's why a GPS is not a substitute for a map. YDI.

I guess next time you'll know to just Google it, look on a map before you leave and print one off or save it to your phone just in case. Trust me, it's not that difficult or time consuming.

My gps does things like that all the time. That's why there's still value in understanding roads and being able to read a map! Also, if it was a big convert you could have just stopped and asked someone on the street for directions!

directions matter...east and west north and south can **** up a can make it in late probably before the headlining band gets up...

RatedZero 0

Turn right. Turn right. Turn right. Turn right. Arrival is 120 meters. Welcome to your destination.

OP, as of next time try to ask any pedestrian for directions, it helps

If you enter the wrong address they tend to do that.