By gRRRrr - 01/04/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I was dumped by my boyfriend. We're currently sharing a room on a cruise ship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 622
You deserved it 5 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend sure has incredible timing. Throw the douchelord overboard!

Step 1) Go to the bar and get a drink Step 2) Go to the buffet Step 3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 You're welcome.


mandypandypants 4

Bang one of the waiters while he's in the room.

lifeisbutadream3 0

Turn it around as if you dumped him.. showing you don't care by acting relieved, then go to the bar and chat up some cute men or even the bartender... treat him like a roommate. Act as if, be strong and carry on!

LUCKY!!! I mean that if on a cruise and I'm not ... not that u got dumped

hcovballer247 0

Uh this is a made up fml. I know it because you're on a cruise ship. Which means you have no wifi or any possible way to access it because you're in the middle of the ocean. You didn't think that one through..

irishman1733 0
mwheatley8991 0

screw that guy, I hate that their's men out there like that, I LOVE my girlfriend and would never hurt her

GreggyZ 0

that's not the first story I've heard about a guy dumping his gf on vacation. it must be a growing trend. maybe there's a hidden brilliance in that tactic

Sounds like a movie I watched awhile ago guy broke up with his girlfriend because he was going on a cruise and he wanted to be free to get as much ass as he wanted. Probably what the douchebag wanted to do as well...

This actually happened to me a year and a half ago. I decided never to vacation on a boat again. there's no escape