By hamiltonma - 04/07/2015 17:27 - United States - Boone

Today, I walked outside to see the fireworks. I also got to see my neighbors burning a couch in the parking lot of my apartment complex to celebrate, right next to my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 455
You deserved it 1 733

hamiltonma tells us more.

OP here. To elaborate, I live in a college town and my apartment complex is right next to campus, as I also go to school. However, I don't think that burning a couch is really normal for anyone to do to celebrate haha. When I went outside, I asked them to move the couch since it was really really really close to my car. Really what they did next is the crazy part. They brought their truck around, hooked it to the back, and pulled it to the middle of the parking lot! Not even joking! It was pretty crazy but in the end, my car didn't get damaged so I'm okay with it. Thanks for all the comments! Really funny! P. S. The burning couch did smell really bad!

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I feel like someone is going to say this eventually so it may as well be me. They were burning a couch? Why would they be doing that? Who celebrates like that? 'Murica.

Burning a couch? What kind of celebration is that? Hope your car is okay!!


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here in the wild ghetto we actually have lots of broken couches with the lumber half pulled out of them laying by the streets, so it might not be a good furniture

Burning a couch? What kind of celebration is that? Hope your car is okay!!

If it sheds any light, people my age (college and into their 20s) have burned couches before, but usually out of anger for losing a major sporting event, i.e. a later round game of basketball in the March Madness tournament. I have not seen this done firsthand out of celebration (whether for a win or celebrating America in some fashion). Related: I have heard that Duke University students burn giant wooden benches located in a certain area of campus every time they win a national (maybe only basketball?) championship. They supposedly have to get new benches around one of the dorm buildings periodically. Unrelated: I personally don't get how this is an FML. It's not like it was OP's couch, but depending on the proximity of the burning couch to the car, I guess there could be some damage and I could understand OP being upset over that, or over the recklessness of the idea in the first place. Because if I were going to burn a couch, I'd make sure it was DEFINITELY not near anything flammable, explosive, or in a position to damage anyone's property but my own!! Be a little smart when you be totally stupid, right? Anyway, hope that helps shed some light on the culture and thinking of my generation.

f#*k ur couch, I'm RICK JAMES BIAAATCHHH

I think it's pointless asking if the choice is okay...

I feel like someone is going to say this eventually so it may as well be me. They were burning a couch? Why would they be doing that? Who celebrates like that? 'Murica.

Donuts202 13

Sounds like the situation got quite heated.

Couch potatoes-->burnt potatoes---> burnt potato chips---> they needed chips for their celebration... Just be glad they didn't need salsa as they would have been burning instruments...

Who burns a couch to celebrate, especially near a car? о_О