By gRRRrr - 01/04/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I was dumped by my boyfriend. We're currently sharing a room on a cruise ship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 622
You deserved it 5 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend sure has incredible timing. Throw the douchelord overboard!

Step 1) Go to the bar and get a drink Step 2) Go to the buffet Step 3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 You're welcome.


Shit, go out and find some strange ass and **** him on the bed you're sharing!

HarlemzAngelita 0
kingjames2306 0
iDrejer 0

He got some guts that guy, no one will ever find him in the ocean <.< >.>


Catch a shark bring it in the room and show him that there is "plenty of fish in the sea"

dudeitsdanny 9

"dumped by my boyfriend" That, my genius friend, means OP was the one who got dumped.

fightin4fun 0

thats what you get for going with him when the relationship wasn't working out, then dumping him before you got back. if I was him and I paid for the room out you'd be going, and if you paid for the room kick him out!

carinamiller95 0

did u not read the part that he dumped her?

RKD 23

Awwww so sorry to hear! Listen, if you want him back, and I wouldn't (he sounds like a total douche to do something like that during your vacation, at least he could have waited) I would just try not to focus on it and enjoy the other aspects,like I am on a cruise! Give him some space and when he sees you aren't freaking out and enjoying yourself, then he is likely to have second thoughts. He could be seeing someone else on the cruise, but DO NOT wear yourself out snooping around to see if he is! Still, he sounds like a totally insensitive douche to do that on a cruise, but he could just be feeling overwhelmed as planning vacations and even vacations themselves can be stressful! (Still a douchious thing to do, I would think very carefully about getting back with such an obviously world-class douche!)

a_cassie 4

that is one looong comment!

Damn man. You need to get introduced to the "." (period).