By Anonymous - 28/11/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was explaining the inner parts of a vagina and how they work. To my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 638
You deserved it 6 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a good girlfriend for bothering to do so. I'm 26, and my knowledge of female anatomy is still pretty vague.


perdix 29

Did you bore him with a dry verbal lesson, or did you think to make it interesting with some visual aids -- some wet, wet visual aids? It sounds like he is just eager to learn how to pleasure you better. This would be an FML if at the end of the lecture, he went, "Yuck!" and turned gay.

22cute 17
the_enigma1019 1

This is perdix, number 89, being an ass is what he does best, and he is probably one of the few funny commenters left.

Nomad609 0

well you cant expect people to know eveything about sex or how a ****** works, he might be good at other things or just might be busy doing somw other important things like splitting an atom or saving the world. YDI for apparently being demanding.

16 ftw! Perdix, you are my hero. 5 internetz to you.

Wow. if you think this is an FML I have lost faith in humanity.

startafire 0

Seeing as how a ****** doesn't have all that much to it, he is probably still in the dark about female anatomy... as are you.

perdix 29

I'm glad you mentioned it. The OP should have said she explained the female genitalia including the ******, ********, labia majora, labia minora, cervix, uterus, G-spot, AFE spot, etc. Sounds like with that couples level of intelligence, "the talk" was "lick it here, stick it here."

blland 0

I feel so sorry to hear from you that the ****** only involves sensational organs. How bout hormones?!

perdix 29

blland, I believe that's spelled "***** moans."

haha Perdix!! I love your comments!! They make meh laugh so much!!

TedFreakingBundy 0

yeah, your life sucks. your boyfriend had the courage to ask you about something like that. he admitted he was ignorant and you helped him. seriously, get over it. he could have been like my (now ex) boyfriend who thought he was a freaking stud even though he knew NOTHING about sex and when the time actually came he literally SEIZED on top of me for 45 seconds while i lie there in mix horror and hilarity. i WISH my boyfriend had asked.

it's because guys don't really get taught about it as much as we do, just like they know more about the penis than we do XD

How else is he really gonna learn? Knowledge is power lmao ;)

guckylynn 19

most guys don't understand the ******. they don't have one so unless they study it, they won't know about it. a guy knowing everything about the ****** would be a little creepy.

Are you guys, like, twelve? If so, please don't crotch hug. o_o Anyway, while it would seem like he should know that, a lot of people don't. They don't usually give men a guide to the vag. Your life isn't exactly ******... at all. It's no big deal, so chillll.