By arachnidphobia - 03/01/2010 03:22 - United States

Today, I was fined because my son pushed the alarm button in the elevator. Why? There was a spider in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 779
You deserved it 3 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

postaltubealex 0

maybe you should write a letter to your congressman about the injustice.

Today, I was minding my own business when this kid tried to hammer me to death. Then ear piercing alarms went off. It's been five hours, I still can't hear. FML


hellokittywhore 0

I don't blam the poor kiddd spiders are grosss! lol =^.^=

i sincerely hope the age you are giving on your profile is fake. i will not believe someone who is 19 still spells like this.

dangletsbang21 0

postatubeal w.e ur name is ithink im going 2 bomb ur ****** house. go tell obama i threatened u and ihave 82 cousins that work for al-quida. hamm-ala tal-eeb squa-lib!!!

HeatSeeker 0

haha, my brothers do the same, except there. 2 years old and only pressed it because the red button caught there eyes.

HeatSeeker 0

hahaha, Yup my brothers do the same thing... Except, they are 2 years old... And only pressed it cause the red button caught there eyes. Lol. But we never got fined.

EmMaz9457 0

i hate sliders! i woulda done the same thng!

shame, I think sliders are a delicious snack or even a meal with enough of them and a good balancing side dish. But to each his own then.

LMAO!!! thats so funny! i probably would have done the same thing- spiders r evil

HeatSeeker 0

Haha I understand. I am terified of spiders myself.