By arachnidphobia - 03/01/2010 03:22 - United States

Today, I was fined because my son pushed the alarm button in the elevator. Why? There was a spider in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 779
You deserved it 3 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

postaltubealex 0

maybe you should write a letter to your congressman about the injustice.

Today, I was minding my own business when this kid tried to hammer me to death. Then ear piercing alarms went off. It's been five hours, I still can't hear. FML

Comments old is your kid? If he's 6, that's funny. If he's 22, still funny but weird.

So your son decided to push the emergency button in the elevator, and everything was alright. But whoever fined you realized there was a spider in there and you were fined? (don't point out that I don't know how to read, I wrote it this way on purpose)

Why even ask that question if you already know the son pushed the alarm button to kill the spider on the alarm button..

Umm I've hit the emergency button on accident more than once with my groceries and never got fined that is stupid and probably fake. All they do is look at the elevator from where they are at and ask on the intercom if everything is okay and you just tell them it was an accident no big.

Spooksu 0
ziqi92 0

i have arachnophobia as well, so i can somewhat understand his actions, but i suggest that u teach ur kid what the alarm button is REALLY FOR

it double posted on me...stupid frikken website...

mn_mpls 0

take the money out of his college fund if he has one