By fingerfuckd - 29/04/2009 15:47 - Canada

Today, I was fingering my girlfriend. When suddenly she started crying at the peak of her orgasm, when I asked what was wrong, she replied. "I-I-I MISS HIM!" She was crying about her ex boyfriend. While I was inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 166 710
You deserved it 13 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

that's your cue to leave her, run away as fast as you can


there aren't enough dilithium crystals in fictional existence to power the speed you should get away from this girl.

Joel_mama 0

Oh man that is harsh. Leave.

You know, some times its just hard to get over your loved ones, give it time and be understanding, if you get over this with her she will love you to death.

rebeccawoahh 0

ouch. you can finger me if you want ;) i promise i wont cry hehe

Ya I agree w #68. **** her and dumb her even though that's never happens to fml oh and fyl but seriosly dude the chicks crazy I meen really.

Alright lets get something straight. First of all you should if you didn't already break up with her. Second my guess is her previous bf did the same thing. Obviously she's not over him but hat doesn't make her a, "crazy bitch." Last but not least my cousin had an experience similar to this with her ex bf and her best friend and now there not friends so i don't think either of the 2 or 3 probably feel right about it so give them a break jeeze.

minenotyours 0

I won't cry when you're in me ;)

pahiina20 0

Haha. I started crying during sex because I missed my ex bf once. The guy was just like, "wtf" and wiped my tears away and kept going. But trust me, it was more awkward for her.