By fingerfuckd - 29/04/2009 15:47 - Canada

Today, I was fingering my girlfriend. When suddenly she started crying at the peak of her orgasm, when I asked what was wrong, she replied. "I-I-I MISS HIM!" She was crying about her ex boyfriend. While I was inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 166 710
You deserved it 13 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

that's your cue to leave her, run away as fast as you can


campbellshayla73 0
jimshrimp 0

I saw this EXACT same fml about a year ago >.>

chrism8188 0

make her foget him dawg....if u kno what I mean

fookyouu 0

she just told u that's your penis is small .. sorry

Paula231_fml 0

You wasn't inside of her, you have to put you're mhmmhm in her mhmmhm to be inside of her.

Kehaulani1994 0

that's freaking sad. honestly I feel horrible for both of you, if you lve her that is.

Kehaulani1994 0

btw that doesn't make get crazy. she still loves her ex-- probably did things with him and felt that she was either being unloyal to him by being with her current bf in a sexual way. like there's this guy I am in love with--- but I have a bf and everytime my bf holds me and says he loves me, I can't help but cry a little because he's not the man I love. i remain loyal to my bf and I haven't talked to the other guy in a long time but I miss him alot and I can't help but wish I was with him instead.

Kehaulani1994 0

PS I can't leave my bf or he will commit suicide (he says that to me) and the other guy loves someone else.