By Kannachan13 - 28/08/2013 23:02 - United States - New York
Kannachan13 tells us more.
Op here. It's an at will state, and the store had a strict please-all-guests policy. From what I was told it was out of my bosses hands as they actually called corporate and there was no proof it was her. As far as parents well I doubt anything will come of that
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Show it anywayTell your mother or her gurdian about it. If you're her guardian or you feel like it, slap that bitch of a sister of yours in the face.
"The customer's always right." The difference between a successful business and one that has integrity and fails is the successful one honors that rule even when the customer is wrong.
That's not always true. Managers need to crack down on the idiots sometimes, especially when customers are trying to break the law.
Even when the customer is legally in the wrong? If the business is held accountable for a customer acquiring a good illegally, I think the penalties involved would generally do more damage than the consequences of turning away a customer.
I'm sorry but I'm very inclined to disagree. The number of ass hats I deal with on a regular basis who have received perfectly good service and the proper products who suddenly start lying about stuff to get free items is ludicrous. I mean just the other day I had to deal with a women who after being rung up learned about a new product, got mad that she couldn't "just have one", and decided to call my store to claim she had requested the new product but was given and charged for the wrong thing. Honoring those peoples demands would shut down a business real quick. Too much free stuff going out.
Perdix is just pointing out the fact that people's sense of entitlement has gone too far, and many businesses bend over forwards to please these twats.
to the person who said if OP is the guardian should slap her sister agreed and if OP is the guardian OP needs to tell her sister until she can get a new job no new things like shoes or whatever OP's sister likes make the little bitch realize what she did
I dont see why this is being down voted. If OP is in fact her younger sisters legal guardian, I would take it a step further and kick her ass out. She obviously doesn't care or appreciate OP, and will say anything to get her in trouble if she doesn't get her way. That is a toxic relationship that needs severing.
39 - That's really jumping to conclusions though? I'm not trying to be rude or abrasive here but you really aren't the one to decide whether or not OP's sister appreciates her/respects her with just an FML. Plus, kicking her little sister out is very cruel on the guardian's part (if it were to happen, not saying that it did) and a less severe punishment like taking away all permissions (socializing with friend virtually and physically, buying new stuff, etc.) would be more appropriate. Just my opinion on things.
Alright guys, I'm a Muslim and we aren't supposed to drink beer and alcahol. But even if she wasn't Muslim, she was underage drinking which is ILLEGAL. If my parents were to catch me buying alcahol, they would slap me senseless, my parents don't hit me till I've done something stupid like that. And I don't do stupid shit. OP, tell her guardian/s what she tried to do. But first slap the shit out of her. My siblings are allowed to hit me if I do stupid shit. So slap her senseless. She deserves it.
I would kick her ass.
This is when you set them up. Send your sister an maybe some friends with a fake ID to buy beer. ... And let the police know so they get involved with the store... And they will lose their license. You hit them where it hurts. In the pocket! Make them suffer. (Oh me vindictive ? Yes I have gotten even with prior employers at much higher stakes!)
Jeez OP. I'm sorry
You must have multiple prior complaints against you, because *most* companies aren't going to fire you over ONE customer complaint. At most, they call you back and have a talk with you, or possibly write you up. But fire you for one person saying something like that? Heck, 98% of people employed wouldn't have jobs if they got fired over one complaint!
Surely they have to keep a record of who the complainant is??? And when the alleged incident occurred? Her childish behaviour warrants her being dragged by the ear to your head office to please explain.
Did they not know who filed the complaint or why the complaint was really sent? Because they should probably check that out first... Bring your sister to your boss to explain what she did, why she did, and to apologize.