By nearlythere - 30/09/2011 04:50 - Australia

Today, I was getting ready to perform a speech in anthropology on the globalization of public transportation and how it brings cultures together. On the bus ride there, the girls behind me were discussing ways to hide their track marks after injecting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 428
You deserved it 2 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anthropology is the study of human evolution, biologically and this girl wants to give a speech about how buses and such help bring people of all cultures and lifestyles together. On a public bus, on the way to her class, two heroin addicts are discussing hiding their vein scars. Talk about mixing cultures. If you don't get it now, then fyl.

Joshoa123 16

I bet that poked a few holes in your logic.


leadrunner751 3
kittyLoveZombiez 0

I read this so wrong the 1st time Now I know I'm a perverted ass teen And damn op your pretty smart I can't last in boring subjects like that

stay in school!!! you don't want any of that shit!!!

dwsgirl 8

haha, like you said, public transportation brings all kinds of people together...

PinkFun1969 9