By lawliet_L - 17/07/2009 15:54 - Canada

Today, I was going to check out my secret condom stash. When I looked inside, I found a note. The note read: "Thanks hun, I really needed this. Love, Mom". FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 496
You deserved it 8 030

lawliet_L_fml tells us more.

1) it doesn't matter that i'm a teen or not. 2) i have a boyfriend i've been dating for about a year. so i'm not a *****. stfu 3) she didn't take any, and it was to the situation. 4) we talked about it and it's fine. because: 'if you wanna make love, use the glove'. no joke she said that. so i'm relieved now gotta hide 'em from dad. XD and yes my parents are together for the person who asked. :)

Top comments

Aww. That's cute. You were checking on your condoms. You never know what kind of trouble those little buggers will get into.

I'm glad that she didn't freak out. and even if you were whoring it up mega style: bonus points for not trusting the dudes and always having your own protection.


"Checking up on my secret stash! Tee hee!". Loser.

Fcukmywholelife 0

Actually the same thing happen to me. My mom took all the strawberry ones and the banana. I'm left with no flavored

I bet you anything your mom didn't take any she just wanted to mess with you LOL

angry_trainer 0

It sucks to think that ur mom still gives the poon up but even worst she thankd u for the condoms hahahaha

1) it doesn't matter that i'm a teen or not. 2) i have a boyfriend i've been dating for about a year. so i'm not a *****. stfu 3) she didn't take any, and it was to the situation. 4) we talked about it and it's fine. because: 'if you wanna make love, use the glove'. no joke she said that. so i'm relieved now gotta hide 'em from dad. XD and yes my parents are together for the person who asked. :)

oh and i'm not stupid enough to have meaningless sex and to not practice 'safe sex'. i'm not those skanky maury ******.

I'm glad that she didn't freak out. and even if you were whoring it up mega style: bonus points for not trusting the dudes and always having your own protection.

WickedFan 12

I'm just curious. What was the situation that made your mom say "I really needed this" Was it, like, she needed the reassurance that her daughter practiced safe sex?

hahah bet that turns you off, doesn't it go mum

Does anyone else think it's weird that she was 'checking' her condom stash? wtf?

no, because she's fifteen. she prob felt guilty about them and wanted to make sure no one had found out yet.

snoopy24_fml 0

OP -- best sn everrr! yay death note!!!

YDI because your screen name references Death Note.

looks like someone's made because they aren't getting laid