By Anonymous - 02/07/2011 21:28 - United States

Today, I was having a driving lesson. I ended up driving so badly that my instructor asked me to stop the car. Not so he could explain my mistakes to me, but so he could get out and vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 288
You deserved it 18 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

Stop the car please. Stop it! Stop the ******* car!! bwarrggghhh


practice driving in empty parking lots. I do with my parents all the time! it helpss!

im going to assumeOP is a woman. XP, go ahead, thumbs down me to oblivion.

or the teacher was hangover? it happens ..

maffy4ever 8

Doesn't mean you didn't pass.. (:

Looks like someone needs EXTRA practice. Sounds like you could one day star on "Canada's Worst Driver" (and yes I see that you are not from Canada) or the lame american version.

If it was your fist time (or first few times) then it's alright, it happens, there is nothing wrong with sucking at something when you only do it your first time round.

linnie_wesker 20

Some people just aren't meant to drive. I've tried to learn many, many times and I just never got it. Last time I drove I freaked out and almost crashed. You really shouldn't be ashamed, some people just can't drive.

I'm also not meant to drive. Unfortunately, I'm from Chile, where getting a drive license is easier than getting fat. Eventually I was able to move Mom's LUV pickup without crashing on every other STOP sign, but as you said that was never meant to be.

rainport 0

what are u somalian?? damn lol

well that driving instructor should get a stronger stomach frikin pansy