By OhFseriously123 - 06/08/2009 10:05 - Italy

Today, I was having sex with a girl. She was really into it and not holding back on the noise...That is, until I received a text message from my little sister next door reading "If she is making that much noise, she is probably faking it...Trust me, I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 554
You deserved it 13 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportmaster525 0

why did you check your text in the middle of your "activity"?

That sucks. At least your sister's honest with you. FYL.


haha I'm in love with your sister's honesty xD cool kid that one for sure!

Hurt16 0

OOOOOHHhHHHhHHH shit.... I ******* love your sistah.... imma bow down to her on that one ohhhh shit she viiiolated lmfao

minenotyours 0

"Today I was having sex with a girl." what you don't normally? lol and plus just because someone makes noises doesn't mean they are faking it. trust me... I know. lol

how "little" is your sister exactly? this might be very weird if she's like, 13/14 or so.

the only reason i woul check my texts is cuZ my phone is alreadh visable and i can see its from my sister... otherwise im nit scramblen for my phone while im gettin laid lol

u have the best little sister in the world!!!!! lmfao listen to her man

that sucks, but seriously not true on the loudness thing....

thedivinecomeD 0

I love how you checked the phone while still having sex.