By the girl next door - 07/05/2013 05:10 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, I was in a bathroom stall and I accidentally dropped my new tampon on the ground. Just as I was about to reach for it, I heard a voice on the other side of the stall say, "Oh great, I needed that" and then a hand reached under my stall and grabbed it. It was my last one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 835
You deserved it 5 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me the tampon was still in the wrapper


I'm going to point something out, which I will most likely get thumbed down for... When a lady goes to insert a new tampon, typically the first thing they do is UNWRAP the thing. It's not that unreasonable (just disgusting) to think that it may not have been in the wrapper anymore. I've dropped them on my own bathroom floor before, and just grabbed a new one rather than use the one I dropped, even though I'm a cleanfreak who uses medical grade cleaner every day to clean my bathrooms. OP should just use a wad of TP so she can run to the nearest place that sells tampons and get a new box, or use the dispensers that are usually in public washrooms.

While I do agree that you can drop them while taking them out of the wrapper I don't think you've evaluated that a purse ( which OP might have had the tampon in) is a mystical place where we jam our lives into it so there is a chance that she might have been pulling things out to look for it and the tampon came out with a handful of other things therefore still being in the wrapper.

myoukei 31

I don't like using the term "bitch", but in this case..... >_>

RedPillSucks 31

I'm sure if you opened your door and yelled "I wish I had a penis" several would come running by.

what so someone can hit you in the balls ?

Your first reaction should be picking it right back up. If it was anything besides a tampon then that would be the reaction.

Because it sucks to have an unwieldy, blood sodden clump of paper balled up between one's vag lips. Suppose she's wearing a skirt or a thong? No one wants to risk losing that special 'surprise' while out and about!

Do you guys not have tampon/pad dispensaries in the US? They're in near enough every public bathroom in UK, thankfully. Needed that a few times. Way I see it, they did you a favour. I dunno about you but I'd have happily let them take it just to get that weirdo out of there ASAP. Don't want someone like that in the next stall when you've your pants down!

I've seen dispensers in nearly every public bathroom I've ever been in. And I've seen maybe two that actually were stocked.

Yeah, they exist, but they're hardly ever stocked. Either that, or they're broken because of people trying to steal the contents.

Yes we have tampon dispensaries in some public restrooms, but considering she wasn't expecting to have to use it, she probably didn't have the money to buy one. Nowadays I just carry around my debit card so it's not too unrealistic to think she didn't have money.

That's why I'm always strapped with like 10 tampons at once. Ain't no one stealing my feminine products.

RedPillSucks 31

I picture you saying "You can have my tampon when you pry it from my cold dead crotch". It made me giggle.

Get in her stall, push it up as far as you can and rip the rope off. What a piece of work! stealing yr tampon. How low can you go?