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By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 09:41 - United States

Today, I was in the elevator with my new boss. He asked things like "How are you?" "How's your day going?" and "What's for dinner?" I answered everything and tried to make small talk. I then noticed that he was wearing a bluetooth and was talking to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 540
You deserved it 7 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO I get it, I hate when that happens. :P

lol that happened to me, so i pretended to be talking on mine.



I don't get how this is an FML, but okay... and #1(:

haha, what's for dinner xD I'd like to know how you answered that one

FateBurns 6

hahaha! This is like all of those stories where people are using the bathroom and they think people in the stalls next to them are talking to them but really they are on the phone!

18, that's what I thought of too!: "I had barely sat down when I heard a voice from the other bathroom stall saying, "How are you?" I don't know what got into me, but I answered, somewhat embarrassed, "Doin' just fine." And the other person said, "So what are you up to?" (What kind of a question is that?) At that point, I was thinking, "This is too bizarre," so I said, "Uh, I'm like you — just traveling." At this point I was just trying to get out as fast as I could when I heard another question. "Can I come over?" O.K., this question was just too weird for me, but I figured I could just be polite and end the conversation. I answered: "No. I'm a little busy right now." Then I heard the person say, nervously: "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in the next stall who keeps answering all my questions." "

darlinqqbella 0

You made yourself look like a complete dumb ass, but it'll be a new day. (:

I HATE it when these f*ckers do that.

LMAO I get it, I hate when that happens. :P

Today, I went to the restroom. I had barely sat down when I heard a voice from the other bathroom stall saying, "How are you?" I don't know what got into me, but I answered, somewhat embarrassed, "Doin' just fine." And the other person said, "So what are you up to?" (What kind of a question is that?) At that point, I was thinking, "This is too bizarre," so I said, "Uh, I'm like you — just traveling." At this point I was just trying to get out as fast as I could when I heard another question. "Can I come over?" O.K., this question was just too weird for me, but I figured I could just be polite and end the conversation. I answered: "No. I'm a little busy right now." Then I heard the person say, nervously: "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in the next stall who keeps answering all my questions." FML

KiddNYC1O 20
Evii_fml 5

#2 That'z From A Fuqkin Forward Yuh Fake Ass.! Haha.!

#31 why are you typing like an idiot? Whoever told you that was cute lied to you.

QUICK! whip out your phone and pretend you were talking on it.

Evii_fml 5

Haha Yuhr An AssHoe.! Get Off Of FML And Go Fuqk Yuhr Dad Hehe.! Have A Nice Day.!

TheOriginalKyrs 0

89 - WTF? Irrelevant and unnecessary comeback/insult when you were the stupid one. Fail. Also, go pick up a grammar book. It may do you some good.

bentleyGCspeed 0

the grammar book won't help. she's beyond hope. she will always be a debt to society. but she is pretty cute... haha

erickk_fml 0

wow..not a very bright one are you?

starsbAby 2
erickk_fml 0

aha & if u had a picture I would have maybe recognized u.

Or if she didn't have a private profile. ^ ^

it made her look like an idiot in front of her new boss. or maybe he thought she was on one too.

flashback.miss 28

lol yea this is one of those things that will happen to one person or the either. laugh it off OP.. at least he knows youre friendly? right? RIGHT? :D just keep trucking on..

ifyouseekamy666 0

this isn't and fml either! ugh... *smh* ppl these days..

Think on the bright side! Atleast you didn't fart before your boss walked in. Sorry if this is posted twice. 

omgwork 0

Wouldn't you have figured out he wasn't talking to you by giving you 'the look' lol