By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 10:32 - United States

Today, I was insulted online by a teenager, who said that I was probably a fat loser who still lives with their mother and a couple of cats. They were right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 236
You deserved it 58 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iit's an online insult, probably by someone that doesn't know you. Don't take it personally. Either way, you're the controller of your own destiny. If you really have a problem with it look at getting a gym membership and start looking for apartments, assuming you don't have extreme financial issues. If you don't like the situation you're in, change it.


brittbrittT 0

#73, you shouldn't talking considering you just spent a shit load of time and effort into the comment. great life.

Everyone says that. It's the inter web.

asxp10 0

Let me guess. You play Runescape or WoW. Get a life. Agree with the others, if you're a fat loser who lives with his mom, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! YDI completely

1. Why are you talking to a teenager online? 2. Don't call yourself a loser?

no one gives a shit about teenegers IRL, much less online and by "teenegers" I mean kids. oh and cats are awesome

freshest 0

the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem ... good job

Aflacduck 0

"Today, I was insulted ONLINE by a teenager who said that I was probably a fat loser..." Moo. Get off the computer you cow.

I would assume the poster is a girl.... more of a cliche for women, no?

ohhhhshizzz 0

Oh, I'm sorry that was YOU? Bahah, just jokes. But honestly, it's a person online. Like half the shit people say on here have ANY effect, well it shouldn't. It's ONLINE, and it's a bunch of douchecocks talking about their opinions what they think and how to make themselves feel better cause they can say "o u n00b u cnt spell twentyone it not tweentyone ur a stpid muthafucka" or call you fat. Who cares?