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By Chubby - 02/11/2009 20:39 - Belgium

Today, I was babysitting a really annoying kid who wouldn't listen to me, and threw his food through the kitchen, so I punished him. When his mother came home he ran to her and said, "Mommy, mommy, it's not true what you told me, fat people are NOT nice!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 570
You deserved it 5 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonadePink 0

Okay okay you're fat, not an FML, because that can always be changed you know? At least he didn't say you are ugly, that's something you can't change. SO you are fat and NOT ugly, be happy and lose weight. The end.


Alexandrianz 0


FAT PEOPLE AREN'T NICE ANYMORE!?!?!?!? ______________________________________

LMAO. THE FIRST THREE COMMENTS ARE WIN. Ahahaha. @Starchild: I can't figure if you are being sarcastic, but being fat does not make a person nice... I think that's kind of obvious though?

arienh4 0

I think that was meant mockingly.

I'm posting underneath #1 so I can be #2! I'm so special and clever. That being said, that kid's a jerk. Did the mom get mad at you?

Goob_the_dude 0

ouch lol that sucks for u btw i love ur username lol

hahahahha geniaal :-) YDI for too many pies

rachexl 0

ill just take care of it for the 100 people that are gonna post it YDI FOR BEING FAT!!!

ParaplegicPony 0

Not necessarily his/her fault for being fat, but for being fat and then bitching about it when people call you what you are. Why do people think it's so inappropriate to acknowledge that somebody is overweight? It's usually there personal choice of unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

i really think people just come on here to be ignorant twats...

harlehatschi 0

she might have a thyroid (not sure how to spell that and cbf looking it up)/hormonal problem...

JordanDempsey 20

Anyone care how she "punished" him?

danis_fml 12

some fat people are mean but some are really nice so you shouldn't judge them.

Haha :) Kids usually speak the truth..

Sun_Kissed18 25
LemonadePink 0

Okay okay you're fat, not an FML, because that can always be changed you know? At least he didn't say you are ugly, that's something you can't change. SO you are fat and NOT ugly, be happy and lose weight. The end.

Lichinamo 33

First, some people are genetically fat, and you can't change genetics. Second, the fatness is not the FML, it's the fact that the mother told the bratty child that fat people are nice, and that the child was bratty.

For people with health conditions it can't always be changed, it was rude of the kid to say that

Bwahaha, I use to think fat people were all nice too until I saw that episode of Wife Swap years ago with that fat Jesus freak, OMG, she scared the he'll out of me! 

Mata_Hari 0

Yep, I remember that episode. The God Warrior on Trading Spouses, RUN! D: