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By cinemasaddo - 25/09/2013 22:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I was let down for a movie date. As I'd already paid for the tickets, I got my narcoleptic sister to come and sit next to me while she slept, so it didn't look like I came on my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 647
You deserved it 3 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And who exactly were the people you were trying to impress so much that you didn't want to be seen alone?

Ugh that sucks. Being stood up for a date is one of the worst things in dating. Sorry OP.


Ugh that sucks. Being stood up for a date is one of the worst things in dating. Sorry OP.

He wasn't stood up, the girl just declined.

But still, a movie is a terrible first date idea. It sounds classic, but what's the point of a date if you don't talk to the person and just sit together in a dark room?

Ch_rae5 19

I agree with #38 buy why would you purchase the tickets before even asking.

baby610 4

Aww I'm sorry, I hope you at least enjoyed the movie :)

That's... Quite sad. Better than being alone I guess.

He might as well have been; his sister was asleep the whole time.

What's wrong with going to a movie by yourself? I love going doing that. It's a perfect opportunity to hide out from the world occasionally!

And who exactly were the people you were trying to impress so much that you didn't want to be seen alone?

Have you ever gone to a movie theatre alone? I know people do but hardly anyone it's almost like a social taboo.

Justy101 23

I go to the movies by myself all the time. It's much more peaceful than going with family or friends who talk throughout the movie (Nothing pisses me off more). There's no company like your own! Besides, there are bigger problems in the world than caring what strangers think of you.

Thank you 26. I completely agree. People dont think of things like that anymore. All they think about is social acceptance, and what other people think. Screw that, I'm enjoying myself and not letting anyone bring me down.

I used to go to the movies by myself every Wednesday. There was a movie theatre across from my college, with student pricing, and I had a huge break from 11:30 until 4:30, which I'd otherwise spend wandering the mall and spending money I didn't really have. Couldn't go home, I lived an hour and a half's commute away. Some movies aren't meant for solo experience, but it's not a bad thing to go alone. No one ever bothered me about it.

I go to movies by myself all the time. On Tuesdays when the price is significantly cheaper than usual. Movie, popcorn and a couple tallboys of beer in my pockets, a great way to kill a couple hours and enjoy some alone time. It's pretty much the only time no one can get hold of me and I like it that way.

I used to go to the movies alone all the time. *shrug* I worked hours that meant I could catch a bargain matinee, in an empty theater. And I didn't have all that many local friends with whom I could share my taste in movies.

Well, they say silence is golden in movie theaters, at least you didn't have someone beside you that would talk incessantly. Yes, I'm speaking from experience. Lots of it.

Anyone else tired of inconsistent people? I hope your first date wasn't sleeping around too. :-P

sammyjanette 17

What's wrong with going to the movies alone?

ninjuh_wingman 29

I don't know. To me going to see a movie alone isn't too bad. But then again I'm forever alone so I'm used to it .-.

BreynHope 11

I'd rather have been alone then to have my sister drooling on me midst way through The Family.