By Ma_Nikka - 20/03/2014 01:38 - United States - Chico

Today, I was making a special birthday delivery for a customer. As I handed her the fruit basket, I said, "Hey, we have the same birthday! Happy birthday!" She called me an attention whore and slammed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 773
You deserved it 5 803

Ma_Nikka tells us more.

Ma_Nikka 24

Heyy! First I just wanna say happy belated birthday to those who shared the same birthday as me: #30 yeti37, #39 Shaowolf, and #66 amvelasco19's dad because I'm NOT an attention *****. So yes the customer ending up calling back claiming that she didn't receive her box of chocolate dipped apples along with her bouquet of chocolate dipped fruit that I delivered earlier. Since she signed the tag showing she had received her delivery my boss said that the delivery was successful and we don't have the box in our walk-in and that there's nothing we can do. We had the box and my boss let me have it. Karmas a bitch. Being in customer service I was genuinely just trying to be friendly as I have been with previous customers. This was the first time someone was rude. However I enjoyed my birthday anyway and thank you all for wishing me happy birthday! :D


Sounds like your customer is the selfish attention *****, since they apparently don't like to share our acknowledge that other people also deserve a simple "happy birthday". Happy birthday, OP.

Hey, today it's also my birthday! Happy Birthday!

What a bitch. Happy birthday and don't let others get you down.

Attention *****...just kidding. Seriously, next time just do your job. Not everyone is as nice as you want them to be

OP was doing their job. If you work in customer service of any kind, your job is to be friendly and personable. You can't just act unfriendly on the off chance someone is going to be rude and grumpy.

Yeah, maybe OP should have sung a few lines from the Beatles' "Birthday" to point out that they share a birthday. Maybe the woman you made the delivery to was having a rotten day otherwise, OP, or she's just a rotten person; it's still no call to be nasty to you. Hope the rest of your special day went well.

I bet she started crying the moment she closed the door. Being a drama queen is a full time job. Forget about it OP. She is propably living in her own created misery. Happy birthday:)

As a drama queen who's been in psychotherapy over it, I agree with your analysis :P. That is what we do. We don't mean anything we say. Drama queens hate themselves, so we put others down, and then cry about what a terrible person we've been for putting that poor person down -.-... Ah, well. Happy birthday, OP. Don't let her mean comment get to you :).

Its your birthday you should have taken the day off to enjoy it.

Most adults don't expect their entire birthday to be completely about them. Celebrate it, sure, but the world doesn't grind to a halt whenever you want it to.

Ouch! People are really rude now-a-days. I'm sorry OP. But happy birthday!!

squarecircles 13

Guess someone wasn't having a happy bday.