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By JH - 01/07/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I was making out with my new boyfriend when he pulled away and looked me deeply in the eyes, he smiled and said, "I don't care what anyone else says, I think you're beautiful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 51

Top comments

1. He's saying that you're beautiful. 2. He won't listen to what anyone else says about you. Why is that so bad?

Yee12 0

He did say you were beautiful.


How is this a FML? He thinks you're pretty.

kidsanchez1 4

well at least he said your beautiful jus not in the way you wanted

jrojas211 0

it's an FML cuz everybody else thinks she's ugly

Inner beauty is more important. One with healthy organs doesn't need to be good looking.

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

OP, stop being a bitch. He told you that you were beautiful and he didn't care what anyone else thought. Or, would you have prefered him to say "I'll only think you're beautiful until someone else says otherwise!"? Geez, he said he didn't care what anyone else thought, that doesn't mean that other people think you're ugly. About 1/10 boys will say the statement your boyfriend just said and that statement is a thoughtful one. So be grateful and stop acting like a bitch.

I use to joke around with the new hires at my store telling them "I think you're pretty cool, I don't care what anyone else says" so maybe he was kidding like that, and being a "New" boyfriend, he doesn't know what kind of sense of humor you have

You're not a very happy Hak, are you? :/

************ is a great alterntive to sex.

Anyone know why my comments might be getting deleted? Not this FML, but the other two I posted on I can't see...

how is this shit a FML? or do u care enough what the others who think u are ugly think of u. cause it don't matter if he likes u...

M13LO 0

#27 only ugly people say that

Granddragon 0

well he's about as smooth as broken glass....


Ok? Where the hell is the FML in this? He still said you were beautiful so suck it up.

FYL_hardd 0

Agreed with #13. & OP, looks aren't everything so ydi for thinking you even had any.

Uggh. Physical attraction is so primitive. So OP's life is effed because not everyone thinks she's beautiful? What about humor, brains, good personality? Having one person who thinks the world of you attraction-wise is more than enough. Don't be an attention-seeker. That's how prostitutes/celebrities get spawned.

StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

love is blind... way to point that out using yourself as the example hahaha this is no FML

how is this an FML he thinks your beautifal unlike other people he knows

happyhak where do you get such badass clothing from lol

arixbaby 0

you know OP, I tell my boyfriend I don't care what anyone says, I think he's the best looking guy I've ever seen - and I mean it. and he loves it when I say that because only my opinion counts. and you should be happy he feels that way so this is not an FML.

yea I agree. you should stop complaining and enjoy him.

wow ur sucha b word he called u beautiful and meant it now shutup

haha other ppl think your ugly or either he's sickly humored.??!!$

this isn't an fml u dumbass. How could you take that as an insult?

Okay, dude, seriously, people like you should just shut up and stop complaining. That was a COMPLIMENT not an INSULT, you retard. God, he's just saying that regardless of what other people would ever say or think about you, his opinion is that you're beautiful. People either don't understand the meaning of **** MY LIFE or just seriously enjoy to complain for no reason.

he gave you a compliment retard. why don't people like you ever understand.

rallets 22

#131, did you really say "b word"?

bARbi3_d0Ll 0

awww that's so sweet of him to say that.. at least he thinks you're beautiful.. what else do you want from him?

Krazykuno 0

OP, he was trying to make you feel special. He may have said "I don't care what other people say," but that doesn't mean that there IS someone out there calling you ugly. He's saying that you're beautiful and nothing can sway him to think otherwise.

Bathory_fml 0

It can't be an FML. She hoped she would tell him how beautiful she was. He did. She's just insecure enough to misconstrue the rest of the sentence and post it to the internet for attention.

DesiGir324 0

who cares. he thinks you're beautiful inside and out. u should b happy instead of writing a whiny FML like this.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

131, b word is sooooooooo first grade. Now all the cool kids say female dog. (:

how is that an fml? you can really see he cares about greatful

atleast he didn't say it the opposite way like "I don't care what anybody else says I still think your ugly"

bonicr 0

Just out of curiosity 59, what defines the line between ugly and not ugly. Last time I checked, attraction is opinion based.

you're* and if my comment got deleted like it always does then nevermind

lovemysnubber 0

I agree with 37 not every person on the planet needs to think your pretty. he does besides if his buddies think you're ugly you can bet he gets a hard time for it. but he's still with you so that's like a double compliment. stop whining

smiles4life 1

not an FML. he was telling you you were beautiful. you should be happy that was super duper sweet of him 

itchyballs 0

tell him " I don't care what anyone else says, I love your small dick.".

luvs_2_dance123 0

112- speaking of clothing. I have a belt just like yourss!

DomoCullen 0

how is this an fml? he basically just said he loves you

Nonombre 0

How the hell is this an FML?? He thinks you're beautiful when no one else does! That's nice! xD

Honestly, this cannot be an FML. He just called her beautiful after making out with her. How is that bad even if he mentioned the possibility that people think she's ugly?

astarwarsfan 0

you're right they'll just outlive everybody else

CSparks 0

Hahaha at least he thinks ur 'beautiful' that's all that matters

M4V3R1CKR13 0

dude my gf says that,i thoight she was the only one that said that FML.

RachelTheLoser 0

no FML here, it's a compliment and he's sweet(:

i agree with you on this one. OP, your boyfriend thinks you're beautiful. what more do you want? when i say stuff to my boyfriend about what other people may think about me, he says, "it doesnt matter what they think, only my opinion matters." and he's right. you need to stop being such a jerk and realize that he gave you a flipping compliment.

tiffani223 3

I kno right that's really sweet he is defending you by thinking you are pretty

yeah, exactly, OP you should be happy that you have a boyfriend who likes you for who you are! he's a keeper :)

why does it say "comment moderated."???

Yee12 0

He did say you were beautiful.

NayaBayBeee 0
Sun_Kissed18 25

Exactly... that was a really nice thing to say. You don't deserve him -.-

mydesire 5

that's a compliment.. @ least he didn't agree wit everyone else

haha fyl for being ugly and that's when ur suppose to slap him

teemoneyyyy 0

dude, why did you tell me to send you a pm?! you send me a pm!

jrojas211 0

jajaja either he really loves u or he needs some glasses

antyo 1

haha the op is ugly n your bf is desperate