By JH - 01/07/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I was making out with my new boyfriend when he pulled away and looked me deeply in the eyes, he smiled and said, "I don't care what anyone else says, I think you're beautiful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 51

Top comments

1. He's saying that you're beautiful. 2. He won't listen to what anyone else says about you. Why is that so bad?

Yee12 0

He did say you were beautiful.


what the heck? how is that even an FML, he said you're beautiful, you should be happy. He didn't even mean for it to be taken as an insult.

37- respect. op- this isn't an fyl; he's complimenting you.

he likes you the way u are. ydi for making this an fml.

ShitYourDickhole 0

He was saying he thinks you're beautiful. And i'm sure there are people out there who call you ugly. Even the prettiest girls I know get called ugly, So,seriously,stop being an overreactive bitch. If anything he should break up with you. YDI.

He called you beautiful, OP. Everyone's got haters, hell I'm good looking, and I get told this every day! But at least once or twice a week, I get told from someone who's either jealous or hates me that I'm not good looking and I need to do this, that and the other thing to look better. 214, you said it best, though this doesn't exactly warrant a break up. Some girls are just super insecure. Depending how long they'd been dating for, he would know she's insecure, and by telling her she's beautiful he's reassuring her.

Nonombre 0

Why/How? is this a "****! My Life"? thats soo sweet he's saying your beautiful while others think otherwise you guys may havent been dating for the longest time but, he likes you a lot to say that too soon! :D

kh8975 4

at least he thinks you're beautiful :) you probably are to get a guy as sweet as that.