By Animal cruelty - 19/02/2015 13:46 - Australia

Today, I was off from school because of an extremely bad barking cough. My neighbours called the police because apparently my cough sounds like someone torturing an animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 158
You deserved it 2 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLike2Teabag 27

They're barking up the wrong tree.


I can't get my head around how your cough sounded like an animal being abused???

Perhaps it sounds like a dog in immense pain?

I cant figure out how they know what "torturing an animal" sounds like. By the way...I think you might have croup - hoarse barking cough

katydid91 31

#2- There's a virus called Croup, which makes a person's cough sound similar to a seal's bark.

it depends on your cough. After coughing a while some people get higher pitched and raspy. If you didn't see where the noise came from, an abused animal could be the noise source

1dvs_bstd 41

'Alright move along, nothing to do here'

gobiteme2 34

Please everyone stand behind the tape

Well, at least you know your neighbors are sensitive towards animal abuse! That's good people to have around! Even with such bad identifying abitities...

iLike2Teabag 27

They're barking up the wrong tree.

They must be like "who let the dogs out who who ×3"

SystemofaBlink41 27

For some reason, the 'x3' made me laugh. Like, you were too lazy to write it 3 times, so **** it, let's let other people do the work.

FMLusername969 21

Haha! C'mon...thats funny! I laughed out loud!

tehstarchild 16
NomeDMF 17

You should probably get that checked out of it sounds that bad. Hope you feel better.

countryb_cth 38

The police must have been really confused. They came looking for someone abusing an animal and all they found was you sicker than a dog.

Sounds miserable. Your neighbors kind of suck they didn't come see if you were okay before calling the cops.

OP's neighbors didn't know that he was sick?