By Anonymous - 22/07/2016 04:14 - United States - Missoula

Today, I was on a plane flying home and fell asleep. I woke up to my own snoring and everyone on the plane looking at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 083
You deserved it 1 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont worry. 1. Its not like youre gonna see any of those people again. 2. Why should their opinion matter? And 3. Its not like you were the only one in the history of mankind who has done that, Im sure everyone has woken themselves up snoring.

hilamonster06 21

Well I guess that's better than having bad gas and having that recycled through the air systems for everyone to enjoy, that would be way more embarrassing than sawing some logs in your sleep. Don't worry about what everyone else though, you're better than they are anyway.


were you flying home from Minnesota? and don't worry this has happened to me as well

Been there, done that on multiple occasions. Once in the back of a classroom when I was sick and couldn't breathe through my nose. Woke up to stares and laughter. Be thankful that at least you didn't know the people around you and won't have to see them again. Though my class forgot about it the next day anyway. It was more about my own embarrassment than anything.

I'm impressed that you fell asleep that easily on a plane

I'm not sure this is really fml material.... everybody snores to some degree and especially if you sleep in an odd position. don't worry, I think everyone has woken themselves up at one moment or other

species4872 19

Should have gone back to sleep. that would have stuffed them.

heatherrr17 19

A lot of people snore, i talk in my sleep sometimes.

That means you are tired, don't be embarrassed about it.

Shay_Shay97 23

I hate people like that. Snoring so loud that it could wake the dead. Damn.