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By girlllll - 01/06/2010 12:31 - Denmark

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and his parents, who I haven't known very long. I ended up falling asleep. That doesn't sound so bad, until I woke my drooling self up by snoring extremely loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 329
You deserved it 5 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelleElle_fml 5

hahahaha! drooling and snoring.... I wonder what they're new nickname for u is... :P

Be glad you didn't fart in your sleep too? Always look on the bright side :)


BelleElle_fml 5

hahahaha! drooling and snoring.... I wonder what they're new nickname for u is... :P

One day youll drool the world! Tis neither wise snore justified to leave someone over that.

missmurderx 8

hah, epic. :P was the movie that boring?

lotsologan 2

was the movie a nature film like march of the penguins? remember that shit? I was just waiting for one to get eaten by a polar bear.

That's not that bad. Next time they should pick a better movie

ScooterScott 0

HOLY SHIT Sean! Just blew my mind to bits there...... BAM!

SeedlessMe 13

Sean- that was ingenious. Thank you kind sir for making me laugh in such a way.

21 Polar bears and penguins line on different poles... thank Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader for that one

Allybuns 0

#21 penguins live in the north pole noth the south :)

#33 no its the other way round penguins live in the south pole not the north

MrPyrolizer 0

LOL! And you're a fellow Denmarkian :). Maybe I know you! o:

its called Danish love :) og nej du kender hende ikke :b

I'm half Danish. What does that mean anyway? du is you right? that's about all I know. Du har smukke ojne, jeg elsker dej or something is you have beautiful eyes and then I love you and I know how to say where are my clean socks but I have no idea how to spell it.

Hahaha hvor er mine rene sokker/strømper is where are my clean socks :b du kender hende ikke means no you don't know her (: and u should learn some more? Can u understand Danish then?

No I just learned a few words from my mom and I can ask her if I wanna know something but I'm too lazy to try and learn.

Ohh okay (: - cool enough always been livin in the States?

MrPyrolizer 0

Jeg ved godt at det er Danish -.- Men siden hun nu er dansker, tænkte jeg det kunne være sjovt at skrive Denmarkian? oO.

jeg beklager, at jeg ikke kunne gennemskue din humor :$ - my bad

Yeah. My parents lived there for a few months when i was a baby but I don't remember it cuz I was only a few months old.

Be glad you didn't fart in your sleep too? Always look on the bright side :)

great first bonding impression you have there!

Pastaforia 0

hahaha.. Its Ok... I do it too.. But my friends smack me and tell me to shut up.

littlemissdqgirl 8

and your bf just let you keep snorring?

HeyLookOverThere 3

Hah! At least you didn't do anything inappropriate or awkward while you were asleep. That would be a different story. xD