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By Helpy - 18/10/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, I was out for a nice walk and saw a man being attacked by a large crowd. Instinctively I ran to help him. I pushed one "thug" off him and that little time allowed him to escape. I later found out the man I saved had just keyed someone's car and they had intervened. Guess whose car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 065
You deserved it 11 713

Helpy tells us more.

This is the OP. 1.My car got keyed. 2. Sorry I still have morals and actually help people. I'm not afraid to stand for what I believe in. 3. Idk it was a spur of the moment descion. I thought by the time the police came he could be seriously injured.

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Well its not your fault, you were only trying to help. The irony does suck though :/

some people who comment on these fmls are complete morons...


Sun_Kissed18 25

Well its not your fault, you were only trying to help. The irony does suck though :/

well, look at it this way, if the mob is made out of bad people, you and the guy are going to be beat up, if the mob is vigilantes, this kind of thing happens. the moral of the story is dont mess with the mob

ters19 10
xelectrickiss 0

awe that sucks. :( you couldn't even like ask what was going on beforehand. thats what we get for being nice people.

fattypie101 0

I wud like to know how you know if or if not this lady has a life

ifailplzinsultme 0

she looks ok to me if she needs a life for commenting on fml then you should get a life too I hate hypocrisy, did you know the guy op? if it was random then even bigger fml

I'd say YDI for not properly assessing the scene, but I guess to be a hero means acting fast. Technically you did the right thing anyway, that fight could have escalated and someone could have ended up really hurt over a stupid car.

PlasmaWafflez 0

Obviously his car! Dude, that sucks ass!

But he was out for a walk! His car wasn't there! So did he save a guy who keyed the "thug"s car?

americayay 0

I wanna know why a mob attacked a guy for keying a car.

PlasmaWafflez 0

why wouldn't you? keying a car is really mean and disrespectful, and anyone who does it deserves to have the shit beat out of them

Thespade_fml 0

Ur a idiot u can drive somewhere then go for a walk

rwarlol 0

or maybe he just went for a walk around his neighborhood so he could've been close to his place.

keying a car doesnt sound much but any idea how much fixing the damage of that car is? it means your car needs to be repainted on one side. Where i live that will on average cost about a 1000 Dollars if you want to have it done right. And sometimes you can still see a collor difference between old and new paint. Ruining the sale value of the car permantly. And with most insurance companies i know you have to be able to proof someone else did it and that you didnt scratch your own car.

Funny how you correct someone's misused article, yet yourself confuse "then" and "than". Is it just me or when one is trying to be a pedant and corrects someone's grammar errors, that person makes a mistake themselves? :)

#74, This perhaps should be "errors of grammar" or "grammatical errors". I preferred to think that it was more likely to have been a syntactical error, or an error in choice of word.

Thespade_fml 0

#71 **** you I type on a iPod it autocorrects sorry grammer Nazi everyone watch out the grammer Nazi is in town. U sir are a bafoon

Thespade_fml 0

#71 **** you I type on a iPod it autocorrects sorry grammer Nazi everyone watch out the grammer Nazi is in town. U sir are a bafoon

... Wow. That just SUCKS. Is today "Everybody Be a Good Person" Day? Because there's that lot, you, and the chick in the handicap FML...

You deserved it man ... You didnt know what the fight was about, you should have stayed out, maybe even called the police. You dont start randomly picking sides without any knowledge whatsoever.

riku3220 2

You should know what it is your fighting for before jumping in. In this case the better thing for you would've been to join in on the beating.

MiseryMan 0

The man who keyed OP's car is probably a prophet. He wrote: "My victim will inevitably aid me in fighting the crowd of accusers." OP should have that man write a book!

YDI for intervening. Never intervene. NEVER.