By oldschool - 23/01/2010 02:10 - United States

Today, I was picking up my little sister from school and while waiting I decided to have a smoke. I was caught and was told to go to the principal's office. I'm 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 403
You deserved it 28 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inb4 "YDI for smoking" Don't be douchecocks about the OP's lifestyle choice(s), people. That said, I'm pretty sure schools have "NO SMOKING" signs everywhere.

lexie206 0

YDI for smoking on school property.


YDI for doing something so disgusting and repulsive.idk how someone could do that to themselves...

It's not illegal, it's frowned upon, like, masturbating on an airplane.

That's called public indecency! (That's illegal...)

why don't these people go to college? I'm just curious? really. it's like "hm I'll either work two awful jobs, live in a tiny house, not Aristotle provide for myself and family, orrr finish school and work less and make more." I just honestly want to know, but hey we all need someone to mow our lawns.

#121 this country was mostly founded on economic independence, with some help on the local level, not the national level. Anyway, fascism doesn't necessarily mean social policies. Personally, with regards to fascism, I don't want someone in government telling me I don't know enough to be able to take care of myself.

Ur probably not supposed to smoke on school campus, but seriously was the person who caught you blind?! What grade is ur little sis in?

mintyfressh 0

Quit it kills you , my dad smokes ,and coughs a lot , snores, and is going bald .Quit before you get addicted.

Just don't go, I mean what are they gonna do?

Epickitty58 29

WTF was that? That's what you chose to comment out of everything you could have possibly said about this FML?

You think all it takes for someone to get a good job is a college degree? A degree doesn't guarantee a better job, or a job at all. Employers want experience more than a degree. Plus, school costs LOTS of money and time. It's not as black and white as you think.