By oldschool - 23/01/2010 02:10 - United States

Today, I was picking up my little sister from school and while waiting I decided to have a smoke. I was caught and was told to go to the principal's office. I'm 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 403
You deserved it 28 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inb4 "YDI for smoking" Don't be douchecocks about the OP's lifestyle choice(s), people. That said, I'm pretty sure schools have "NO SMOKING" signs everywhere.

lexie206 0

YDI for smoking on school property.


@87 exposed? I am pretty sure they have seen someone smoke before. it isn't like he was inside their classroom blowing it in their faces.

Malia_luvs_sp 0

Hahahaha well your not suppose to smoke in front of kids haha especially at a school. XD sorry that happened.

IMB916 0

YDI for smoking. its disgusting and unhealthy and ur setting a bad example for ur daughter. have some goddamn self control and quit.

What daughter? While I agree that smoking is bad for you it is still a persons own decision. And next time try to actually read the FML.

Maybe that will teach you, young man! Kidding! Kidding! LOL!

You shouldn't smoke if you have a kid. You're not only hurting yourself, cause whether you want to admit it or not odds are you smoke in front of them, and not only are they breathing it in, but there's a fair chance they'll do it too later. And you're an idiot for smoking next to a school, so YDI.

boatkicker 4

I beg to differ on the "fair chance they'll do it too, later" bit. I would guess that it's about an equal chance of them smoking either way. In my experience almost all of the smokers I know are children of non-smokers, and the non-smokers are the children of smokers. However, in this particular situation though, I hesitate to call my experience fact, because so many people say the exact same thing that you just did. Because of all the contradiction, I'm going with it's about equal, regardless.

mcsnelly 5

Actually there are statistics that show children of smokers are MUCH more likely to smoke at some point in their lives than children of non-smokers. That may be different with the people you know personally, but not overall.

Yeah those statistics I've heard a thousand times, that kids who grow up in it are more likely to follow. That's also true for things like being an abusive parent when you were abused too. Either way though, one thing nobody can deny is that you're endangering the health of the children as well. The argument for allowing smoking and other drug use to be legal is that people should be allowed to endanger themselves if they want. Yes if it's only your problem then yes I would just say whatever be stupid if you want, but if they're endangering someone else (which in reality they usually will be in some way whether they realize it or not) then there is a problem.

boatkicker 4

I have seen the statistics for abuse, not that those are even remotely relevant. Growing up in an abusive home the child is not only exposed to the violence, but it directly affects them. However with the smoking statistics, I've never actually seen the numbers, nor have I seen any vague evidence that it happens like that. Please find and send me the numbers, and I will keep my mouth shut from here on.

Surely its not so bad if you got thought you were younger than you were but it still kinda sucks

misz_italy 0

To everyone criticizing him for being a smoker: Did any of you stop to think that, hey, maybe he does know of the health risks? And maybe it's his OWN personal choice to continue to smoke? Hmm, doubt any of you have thought about that. Or how about this one, alcohol is bad for you. It can cause liver, kidney, heart, brain, and many other damages to the body regardless of if you are an alcoholic or not.. It also can cause you to make bad decisions.. Do you still drink? Yeah, you probably still do drink alcohol. So why are you all showing so much hate just because he smokes. How about bad things in food? Bacon can cause heart problems (google "Bacon Heart Disease"), and now there are studies showing that Milk can cause damage to your body (cancer, google "Milk Cancer"), so are you going to stop drinking Milk or eating Bacon? I highly doubt it. So Stop criticizing him for being a smoker, because you all are damaging your bodies too. It also never said in the FML where exactly he was at when he was smoking, nor did it say how old his little sister is. He was probably in his car sitting across the street from the school. Some school officials that patrol the school can be ignorant and do things like this. Big deal, I recall seeing so many parents and older siblings smoking while waiting for their kids or younger siblings to come out and this was just when I was younger in elem. school and i have seen it throughout h.s. and now when i'm at college. You can't smoke within like 20 ft of a door. Also, if you don't like smoke then stay away from people smoking. It's that simple.

*gasp* the OP smokes, get the torches and pitchforks! [/sarcasm] I'm not a smoker myself, and I hate smokers, but I hate the people that bitch about it just as much.

Why does the non smoker have to get away from the smoker? why is it "well if you don't like it, then go away," instead of human courtesy and perhaps waiting a bit until you're outside to smoke. Just a thought. Non smokers do whine about it a lot, but smokers sure do think they're entitled to be complete douchebags.

misz_italy 0

@ Goonie: you asked why non-smokers should get away from smokers? It's because people who smoke are tired of being in the smoking section or place designated smoking area and having non-smokers complain about smoke... Thats why I say "If you don't smoke and you don't like smokers, then stay away from it." Now do you understand where I am coming from with how I feel?..

ellness 0

it's funny how everyone decided to turn this into a debate about smoking. leave it alone everyone. no one is going to make a life changing decision based on your rude comments. anyway, smoking at a school isn't the best idea. if ur gonna smoke, maybe u could do it away from people who might say something.