By Katie - 23/06/2011 16:39 - United States

Today, I was rear-ended while at a stop sign, by my driving instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 658
You deserved it 2 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliceisbored 11

Sounds like a good teacher!

enonymous 8

My instructor had to rear end me for a good 10 minutes before he let me pass the test.


garcia_linda12 0

he maybe needs to go back to school

you paid him to crash into your car

baseballlegitly0 2

the student becomes the teacher

You probably got deducted points for stopping to far back or somthing. Limey driving bastards

FreebirdIII 1

It is not very safe to sit in your instructors lap while driving. Sure it is exciting, you will indeed pass, but getting rear ended is one of the hazards. Wait until you get to drive with him in your lap with a strap on, then you will know more about it. Good luck.