By Username - 12/01/2010 04:03 - France
Same thing different taste
By burrito kid - 17/12/2016 06:56 - United States - Mount Pleasant
By sopissed - 13/06/2012 18:13 - United States - Laurel
By badDriver - 28/11/2009 21:37 - United States
By Chaosfigure - 03/09/2017 13:00
By Brittany - 28/03/2012 02:38 - United States - Kerrville
By Anonymous - 09/05/2015 18:50 - United States - Humble
By Katie - 23/06/2011 16:39 - United States
By jcheer113 - 17/05/2010 04:10 - United States
By f.m. - 23/07/2018 16:00
By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 17:17 - United States
Top comments
Drivers never win and winners never drive.
The first time I took my test I was already really nervous about it.. We're driving down a series of narrow street.. I turn left at the stop sign.. The car behind me does the same thing, but in the wrong lane.. The old man then tried to merge into the correct side of the road.. without staying behind me.. Or passing me.. He tries to merge where my car is.. I panic and swerve and fail my test for.. "Not signaling", "swerving", "not maintaining calm" and a bunch of other reasons. I fear old drivers now. it's not the last time they've effed me over.. The time I DID pass it, the instructor had a hook for a hand.. I am NOT at all kidding. It was awesome. To this day I picture his name being James Hook..
Haha I was downright shitty with my tests. Wanna guess how many times I took it? I think it was...8. 8 times. Haha if anyone knows about nerves, it's me. I'm a fine driver now, been doing it for a while, no accidents. But I think my favorite test (sarcasm) was when I pulled out of the parking lot, IN FRONT OF A FIRETRUCK, and obviously the instructor screamed and I had to maneuver my way out of that one. Obviously, I didn't pass lol. But I had other tests that were just downright stupid. I had one instructor who marked me down for being shaky, OVER AND OVER. Technically, I had a flawless test, she just marked me down for nerves. The funny thing is, she used to come in to the place that I used to cashier at, so...let's just say, you want the person ringing you up to be your friend.
Cool story, Bro.
I believe it was sarcasm, because I came here to ask the exact same thing, lol.
I was also going to say this. SARCASM! :P
He should have known better than to park there.
Woman by any chance..?
You know, guys have more expensive insurance rates for a reason, asshole.
well, the state farm agents that were guests in my drivers ed class a few years ago said men have higher rates because statistically the accidents they get into are higher damage/higher injury but it doesnt necessarily mean they get into a higher number of accidents compared to women (but no one should be a sexist ASSHOLE and say women are always bad drivers)
Because we like to show off our driving skills, and we aren't lucky all the time. Just most of the time lol.
I swear I've seen this FML before...
YDI for being a shit driver
AH HA i passed!!!!!! drivers like you that stop drivers like me from getting to work happy!
First!!!!! Take that :D
It's so easy to say YDI but what if ur life is just fcked? I saw FYL no license for you.

Drivers never win and winners never drive.
You know, guys have more expensive insurance rates for a reason, asshole.