By Anonymous - 14/06/2013 01:44 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I was riding a bike when a truck accidentally hit me. The handsome driver came out and asked if I was alright. I said, "I am now" and winked. He said "Eww, no" then immediately ran away and drove his truck around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 395
You deserved it 27 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got hit by a truck and the first thing you did was try to flirt?

You must look like you've been hit by a truck.


Very smooth, OP, very very smooth! Still a better love story than Twilight!!

tpm45 25

You just got hit by a truck, and tried to bust a move on a man you don't know? YDI OP.... Should have just exchanged information like a polite and normal person.

So, you get hit by a truck, and your first instinct is to flirt with the guy who hit you. Somebody's got their priorities in order...

He should hit u'd be even better

meherm 11

So you're first reaction was to wink at him...

I've done something like this. I was in a fender bender in a parking lot (my fault) and when I hopped out with insurance information in hand. I turned on my megawatt smile at the girl and said 'You'd be amazed what a guy'll do to get a cute girl's number.' She smiled back so I thought the tensions were defused. Next thing I know I'm getting bear mace in the face and she raced off. On the plus side, she didn't take down my info so she couldn't make me pay for her busted fender. On the minus side, I got a face full of bear mace. To make it worse she wasn't even that cute.

Rom-com gone wrong. Very, very wrong.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

FYL for being hit, but YDI for scaring him off. You could have smiled instead of winked, since winking could have meant something entirely different to him.