By Anonymous - 14/06/2013 01:44 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I was riding a bike when a truck accidentally hit me. The handsome driver came out and asked if I was alright. I said, "I am now" and winked. He said "Eww, no" then immediately ran away and drove his truck around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 395
You deserved it 27 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got hit by a truck and the first thing you did was try to flirt?

You must look like you've been hit by a truck.


Probably wouldn't happen if you weren't so ugly OP.

zfchatroulette 24

Calm down Bella this isn't Twilight

LilFlutter 10

But at least he didn't steal your favorite hat!

Time to get his plate number and report him to the cops. You may have not been hurt, but what he did is still a hit and run. Very illegal.

Hope you had a water bottle, because you sound THIRSTY. "Oh hey, I just met you because you knocked me off my bike, injuring me and messing up my bike. But I'm okay now, because you're attractive."

You get hit and your first instinct is to flirt?

You should have grabbed his license plate number and reported him. I see a court DATE in your future...hahahaha. J/k sorry you were hit by a truck OP! Hope you're ok! :)

Why would you flirt with someone when they were just seeing if you didn't die!?